Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nationals 2012, different league

WOW WOW WOW!!!!! I am simply blown away. I was sitting on my couch browsing through pics of the canadian national bodybuilding competition past weekend and came across the girls I will compete against. I am absolutely speechless and almost feared by looking at them and knowing I will compete next in year in that league....HOLY COW! The extreme and uncontrolled cravings for peanut butter, gummy bears, bread and wine have "all the sudden" totally disappeared. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to compete at National level in 2012 and I am so pumped and motivated (right now, more than ever) that I will give more than 100% of my focus, dedication and discipline towards it!!!!! I gave my 100% best last season BUT there is ALWAYS more within yourself and I will give more than I have to achieve the best results I have within me! I am so determined to get on that stage and rock it!!!! The first thing I am going to do is, work on my holds and def add new once, more gymnastic classes to follow, more chicken without crying and complaining about it, more mass ( def more mass). While I mention putting on muscle mass, I was just talking to one of my friends, who decided to compete for the first time next year in fitness as well and we both are the complete opposite body shape. Mary is totally going to be BUFF and bulky with the perfect delts, back and chest (easy to build). While I am the lean, shredded, more petite kind a hopefully my coach and friend Jeni Briscoe can turn me into a SUPER WOMAN Machine! (lol)....I have no doubts in my mind that she will!
To build muscle mass, as I had mentioned in my previous blog, I def. have to up do my protein intake as well as putting on weight.....ya...the weight ....hhmmmm.....always a subject which girls "usually" dislike talking about....but I know it is necessary to build enough, so I won't be losing it again (as in my past season) when lean down-carb cycling phase starts! So, here I am .... growing feathers again and loading up on oats, brown rice and sweet potatoes! I also needed a few new supplements which I can't get in Canada and had to order those through online. WOW....talking about spending a fortune ....could have made a good downpayment for a BMW when i got to the end of my HUGE order!
I am so in love with what I am doing....almost obsessed, addicted and can't go a single day without thinking or talking "competition" and working go on that stage and showing off all the hard work and dedication you put into your body and getting the recognition for all of it is PRICELESS!!!!!! NOTHING in the world can give me that kind of sensation and confidence. Someone in the gym asked me the other day, how I do it? DOING WHAT???...-was my responds. And he said, well, you're at the Y pretty much all day and night, have a family and you are still bubbly, always smiling and as soon as you speak about your sport and about competition, your eyes light up ....well, all I could reply was, that I found exactly that part in my life which completes me.....I can't repeat it often enough, I LOVE what I am doing and I love how my body responds to all my hard work....and there's nothing greater than loving the body you live in....the connection between mind and body gives me more happiness and self esteem than I ever thought I could have!!!!!! I always try to motivate people to go ahead and make their dreams come true....if you like fitness or bodybuilding...DO IT!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! There are no excuses like, I don't have enough time to workout ( so? make time), or I don't have the right genetics ( there is no such thing)....go and do it!!!! You have nothing to lose, you will only gain on strength, courage, self discipline, confidence, HEALTH and positive attitude!!!!!!!
Have a great week everybody and stay fit!

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