Saturday, March 26, 2011

7 weeks out -skinny, fat and nightmares! + some pics

7weeks out and I start feel like it's not enough time left. uuurgghhh...the weeks RUN, the days fly and the hours don't seem be 24 anymore. These past few weeks I get every single day the same comment from people....DI, you're getting too skinny, Di how much more are you going to lose?  Di, you look good but you fading away to nothing......i know some people might be a bit concerned about my dramatic change in body fat but com'on skinny? You might as well call me fat, cause the comment of being too skinny gives me the same frustration. I also know that most people just wanna say I got lean and use the term skinny.....well, whatever it is, skinny is not the term us fitness girls like to hear. The most bizarre thing about it, is that I DO FEEL bloated, not tight enough and a bit too lean....controversy...but day I feel too lean the other day too big....the water retention can do that to people and totally plays that mind game with me. Nightmares of failing and standing on stage forgetting my routine is another "mind game" least 3 times a week do I dream about the show....something always goes wrong but always fix it somehow....proof how nervous I already am...not even to think about how much more I will be a few weeks before show!
I am going to start my carb cycling diet this week, we'll see how that go. I seem to lose bodyfat, inches and weight very quickly these days, so I already been told if the carb cycling speeds things up even more, we have to stop it and re-start later on in the weeks before show. My cardio has been bumped up from 3 times to 5 times a week on top of 4 days of my reg. weight training. These next 7 weeks will be busy with training, practicing my routine, getting all my things together ( tanning, hair app's, nails, practicing how to apply make up- which I am horrible at-cause i never wear any, body waxing app's,....and and and....sooo much more) and def. trying to stay on track with the diet. These past 2 weeks since I only have 4 meals incl. complex carbs, def. make a change in my hunger feeling. My body notice that I have one meal less carbs and so is my mind. BUT, it is totally worth it every minute of it. I got a very good question from a girl ( friend) in my gym the other day: Diana, how will you ever go back to eat "normal" food, like peanut butter, bread, fruit....pretty much anything I haven't had in a while. How can you ever put something in your mouth again, when you exactly know, if you don't put it into your mouth how your body can look like. Wouldn't you always be scared that your body will change again after you introduce those types of food again....?
My answer...- I WILL have to work on that! I have to give myself a cheat night or 2 on the weekends again...def. I HAVE TO learn to treat myself once in a while ( thats the key---once in a while---not every single day). I like-want to compete next year again...I already wanna work on a much stronger physique and that means I need to eat after this show to put on some fat, so when lean down in Jan 2012 starts, I have enough to play with and enough to lose without losing the muscle! This is my big fear right now.....5times cardio, and change in the diet hopefully won't consume all my muscle. But thanks to Jeni ( my trainer) I know it won't happen, she will keep an eye on me!!!!!
Have great week everybody and keep training hard!

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