Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mean and Lean...10 weeks out and it's finally starting to catch up on me

Saturday, I was exact 10 weeks out to my first competition. WOW, where did the time go. I still love when people ask me how much longer until show time and their answer about that there is so much time isstill left. I think personally 10 weeks are NOTHING, def. not when you train for something and wish you could have an extra 5 on top of the 10! The past week was not my favourite week I have to admit. I can honestly say that I am getting a bit grumpy and short on my nerves. I also noticed that my "women" cycle is out of order and I am leaning everyday more and more. My energy levels are great (  THANKS to the creatine I am taking), it's more my shortness of patience with people and simple things like waiting in line at Starbucks for my coffee, could literally make me snap already! The worst is, that my friends and family noticing my changes in moods already and that's one thing I NEVER EVER I hope you guys will ALL forgive me and I will make up for it when things a smoothin' out again! Forgetting things is another issue I have...but that might be cause my days are packed every single moment in the day.
I have no idea how I will ever live a life without constantly being on the run and communicating on my cell phone.
Training wise, things are going very good. I bumped my numbers in the weight room and my definition is getting better everyday. I am fascinated how a body can change in days...and NOTICEABLE change...people come up to me and ask me how my body can look so different within one week.
Cardio workouts are the same....still not the biggest fan of cardio but today I ran on the treadmill ( least fave of all) and I actually enjoyed it. I have so much on my mind these days that I think cardio is doing me very well with relaxing and just simply keeping my brain empty...I love listen to my ipod and trying to zoom out for 40 min...that's the only time in a day when I feel free of any thoughts or responsibility.
My posing and strength holds are getting very very good, which makes me super thrilled and excited! I never thought  til this day in my wildest dreams I  could do one of those things and now I can do 4 very easy!
Def. need to work on my fitness routine this week and have to spend a few hours on getting the moves and dance part perfect!
So really, I guess things are going very good, not much to complain, just the mood swings and def. that I am hungrier these days. My metabolism must be on SPEED HIGH GEAR . WOW....If i am still hungry after 2000 calories....not sure what to think about that! I added more oats to my shakes and pre workout meal, that should help hopefully soon. If somone things to compete in any kind of a competition and thinks it is easy or if I sometimes make it look easy....ITS is hard work, extrem food limitation BUT...sooooo worth it.....I hope some people out there, who might have considered to compete but not having the courage yet and they are reading and following my blog will make the decision to pick up their dream and go for it! It is the best journey in my life! I know getting up every morning at 5:15 am eat and workout is not the easiest but your body adjust very quickly and now I wake up on the weekends before 6 cause I need the workout to give me the energy in the day! BUT having said that, I am totally a morning person, always have been. Not everybody can get up this early and is bubbly like I am, so they need to get the workout in at night, which is for me not a good time, cause when I lay once on the couch, there is NO WAY i get my butt into a lulu pants to workout! Everybody needs to find their own time to make room for a workout, as long as they make the time for it! Having a family with a 2.5 year old child, working part time ( split shifts) in a YMCA fitness facility as a personal trainer as well as fitness leader instructor can make my day challenging sometimes, but it's all about organzing your day ahaead of time and def. the support of your family. I have 12 more weeks left until my last show, so it' s close to being back to normal ( if I will ever be able to get back to normal...hahah). Now highlight of my night-------time for a chocolate protein shake....mmhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a good rest of the week everybody!

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