Sunday, February 27, 2011

"On" and "Off"- Season, the difference

I have been asked about the difference between on and off season these past few weeks, so I thought for you guys out there who are interested in the way you eat and train before a show and after a show...this chapter is for you!
On season usually starts about 20 weeks out of competition. My own "on season" started in January to get ready for my first show on the May long weekend ( 21st of May). My diet and training has changed, so did my attitude and commitment, cause when you know you are only 20 weeks out and show off your body in front of god knows how many people, you really don't want to put the spoon into the peanut butter jar, cause the moment you are on stage YOU KNOW WHY!
So first to my diet, I have to tell you, not everybody who competes has the same diet. What works for me does not work for you maybe. The diet I am on was designed for me and my body.
My trainer did have to make changes here and there until we found the way my body responded best to. So, here is my diet right now......
7 meals a day, they have to spread over the day and should be consumed every 2.5-3hours....
30 gr protein per meal (chicken, turkey, egg whites, fish and protein powder...lean meat is ok, but I don't like meat, I stick to poultry and fish)
30 gr complex carbs ( oatmeal, sweet potato, brown rice, brown rice pasta), for 5 meals, no carbs for me after my 4pm meal!
oodles of veggies
omega 3 fatty acids ( flex oil, omega 3 pills...good fat) 3 - servings a day ( in oil- 1 tsp each)
WATER...looots of water, at least 3.5-4 litres of it
no more fruit, any kind of dairy product ( cheese, milk, yoghurt), no wheat products ( bread or whole wheat pasta), no more peanut butter ( even the all natural kind), no more alcohol, no condiments like dressings, ketchup, bbq sause etc.
I use only balsamic vinegar ( for everything....salad, over my rice etc)
I still had cheat meals until about 12 weeks out. So really this was my first week with no cheat meal....and cause I have set my mind around it, it was not even a big deal....just when I smell fresh baked bread or have to make Ava a peanut butter sandwich my heart is aching!!!!! ( and tha I think about me in a bikini on stage again....craving-GONE)
Training wise not much has changed. I still train 2 days on (weights) one day off ( which means Cardio for 35-40 min) and have one complete day rest ( which i use for stretching and practicing my choreography and strength holds). My cardio has been bumped from 2-3 times a weeks now ( on top I still teach my 2 Spin classes, trx, step and ABS and core classes).
The lean down I believe gets even stricter. More cardio ( about 2 a day), weight training lighter weights and more reps i think, as for the diet I know I won't be able about 2 weeks prior to show to use any protein powder ( which will be hard....cause that means more chicken instead...right now a shake is a treat), no more sugar free gum ( cause of the sweetener in it) . I am not quite sure how my diet portion wise is going to change. I believe just before its carb cycling, but I will keep you updated on that as soon as Jeni changes my diet again.
After the show you are in "off"season, this is where the most fitness, bodybuilder or figure comp. are gaining lots of weight back. About 10-15 lb ( 5-7kg) is a good range to try keeping your physique, but since you have been eating this strict, I can see why lots of people gaining all their weight back thy had lost in on season within 3 weeks after the show. I really trying to keep mine up, cause I believe this won't be my last competition and I don't want to diet down 20 weeks before almost 30lb...this was hard enough as it is to get down 18lb...
As for eating, lots of people eat anything "normal" again, drink, fast food and you name it. I def. will follow a very clean diet after but also have 1-2 cheat meals a week. I probably will do 5 days clean eating and 2 days of A CHEAT cheat day...cause you can do a lot of damage in eating junk all day long!
Training wise, Yes...def. need to keep working out. Not as heavy but def. a MUST.....Cardio and weight training....if you wanna keep your physique and toned fit body, hey, you have to do something for it, that ain't happeneing from alone. Aslo, why would I quit working out? For me, the way your body looks as a result is just a bonus point, the most important one is how it makes me feel.....working out is one of the best way to release stress and to have some "me" time. I love everything what comes with it. From cute workout cloth to awesome running shoes....funny how women love cute shoes heels or flats...i do too, but mostly would I spend my money into a new pair of runner s and a great lululemon workout outfit...seriously, just for lululemon, every girl should love the idea of working out, that alone keeps me motivated. A new super cute shirt and a great fitting pants...yessss.....its like a new fancy outfit to wear before a night out!!! exciting!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your posts Diana! They are inspiring! And i am like you, i would much rather have a new pair of runners and a lulu lemon sweater then a new purse or heels! :) keep up the amazing work!
