Monday, February 21, 2011

Being Skinny for any price is NOT the answer Ladies!

This morning I got up at 5am and thought about what the most majority of women want in life....( not talking about shoes or coach purses).
I was talking to a super nice girl on the weekend and she was asking me what I am doing to look so happy lean and what gives me the aura of carrying myself with such high self esteem.....I kind a had to think for a second to answer but to be quite honest, it is very simple....I LOVE THE body I live in right now....I do...totally do! This has by far not the first time that I had lost weight or went on some kind of a "diet"...from Bill Phillips Body for life, to the South Beach diet, Atkins, the zone, weight watchers..did them all and they ALL worked, for the amount of time you can follow it. I always had in mind to be thin and skinny, so when I started dating my husband and at that time he was an athlete in the hockey field, all the wives of the team players were skinny and their hair and make up was perfectly done, for some bizarre reason I thought I needed to compete with that. So, Mr Bill Phillips brought out his 12 week challenge Body for Life program and of I went bought it, read it and started 2 days later.....The biggest problem I have is that when I commit to something I fall into extremes...when he mentioned no sugar...I would read more than just simply labels...I was insane about not touching anything even something like tomato paste, cause tomatoes have sugar, needless to say that I lost about 14kg in under 3 month....also did I teach Spinning cardio classes in my local gym 5-6times a week, for a warm up before my spin class I would even stand on the stepper for almost 90 min or run on the treadmill for a good 1 hour....sick...I hated every min of it....sure I lifted some weights but with the limited amount of food in my body and working hours of cardio I burned every tiny muscle I had left into nothing.
It was only a matter of time until my body shot down and my mom drove me into the Emergency room...Ken was still on the ice playing his game, well he left and came to the hospital as soon as they had told him that I collapsed ..... I remember til this day how the doctor came in and asked me what had happened and I told him, I got dizzy and my heart races very this was one of the fist times I heard Kenny speaking german in a FULL sentence----looking at the doctor he said, well she has worked out for 90 min on the stepper, never takes a break  in the week, had hardly anything to eat, 5 espresso's and a half of a pack of menthol smokes....well, that had answered the doc's questions and one he had left for you have a eating disorder Mrs Junchen? no way? Why would that idiot even think that?....he was so rock hard on the truth...I SURE WAS!
So, since I had my daughter Ava and my heart issue in the past year, things have totally changed my idea of dieting.....
I eat an almost 2000-2400 cal diet everyday and my cardio is about 3-4x a week and weight training 4 times a week....and I HAVE  NEVER FELT SO GOOD in my entire life.
I am so happy I made this decision to compete in fitness....I am 32 years old and have never felt sooooo great, strong and confident about me before...the 30's are def. my best years and if they continue like this WOW!
so. bottom line...ladies...trying to starve yourself and trying to be skinny for someone or something IS not the answer...try to set achievable goals and not unrealistic crash diet, will continue to eat normal and jo jo diet puts all your weight plus extra back on...been there, done that!
Get a good trainer and a  nutritionist and work out the healthy way!

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