Saturday, February 26, 2011

This is why i can DO what I am doing...cause of friends like this!!!!

This message is from a friend of mine, which she had just emailed me. I honestly have no words to describe how this made me feel when I did read her mail! I am so thankful for friends, family and strangers in the gym, who keep me so motivated and the encouragement they give me. Thank you so much for this email Nat, you made not only my day, you made it easier for me to get through these next 11 weeks! YOU ROCK!
Hey you,Stopped in to visit with Jay yesterday at GNC. He told me how some folks are being not so supportive of your hard earned appearance. Here is my two cents worth:

You are working so hard, every day in so many unseen ways. You are dedicated beyond what many...what most people could even begin to try and undertake, let alone understand. You have committed yourself body and soul to a project that takes more than intense physical training but mental focus and emotional focus...and all this on caloric intake that would make a full grown man cry.

Appearance? You look amazing. You look strong. You look fit. You look lean and muscular. You will succeed. You already are damnit! If anyone says you are looking less like a lady and more like a man, which is what Jay said someone said about you.... pardon me but, could this be their way of expressing jealousy? I would further suggest they put on a pair of glasses and really take a close look at you Diana. You are all very sexy WOMAN last time I looked. Further more, if they don't like what they fucking see, they can just not look at the damn pictures. Full stop.

You have one very supportive person here, if I may call myself your friend. I may not tell you to your face often enough cuz we are busy with other stuff, and are usually busy sweating, grunting or talking about Dean.... but I look up to you. I am so proud of you. You inspire me to continue on my own fitness journey...

Big hug. Kick the shit out of these next 10 or 11 weeks. Dean says to tell you he's got your back on this one too.

Nat ;0)

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