Sunday, March 20, 2011

8 weeks out - FOCUS!

8 more weeks to go until Kelowna show time. Woke up this morning with the worst chest-peck's pain ever. I have absolute no idea what I did to hurt it this bad. I can't hardly straighten my upper body, needless to say that i am more than  frustrated, upset ( pissed off describes it a bit better) and grumpy this early morning. I did have a chest workout on friday and used my peck's quite hard.....but I am hoping this is just a " I slept wrong" kind of a ache in there...CLAY! (my chiro) I am on my way to make you work on me). I have no time for injures right now, I am this close to show and now another chest injury again? Well, I am gonna work on it....unfort. this comes with the sport I chose! 
Anyways, otherwise there are not many changes in diet or workout. This was my 2nd week of no carbs in my fifth meal. So, meaning my first 4 include complex carbs and the last 3 protein and veggies. I have to say I miss my 5th meal which usually was pancakes ( 1/2 cup egg whites, 1/2 scoop visalus protein powder and 1/2 cup oats)....used to be a nice treat...BUT no more oats at that time of the day, so egg whites and veggies it is ( by now I must have been eatin' an entire greenhouse). One more week until I start carb cycling, this is where it gets a bit more different than now and I will def. post you about what's going to happen.
My moods...oh well....I guess you better ask the people around me...I think I have good and bad days. Now that I have only 2 month left, I know I can't afford to focus on anything else BUT my physique and training. My husband actually asks me all the time if I have anything else in my head accept the be honest- NO . I think to be able to get through this your body and MIND has to be 100% committed and has to be the focus otherwise I am sure you can't do this ( i wouldn't be able to anyways). If your focus gets distracted YOU have to be able to find it back and keep it up. I think the month before my competition I have to make sure NOTHING absolutely NOTHING distracts me....upsets and makes me in any way sad or mad. I have learned a lot about myself in the past few month since preparing for this and I did not know I could pull this through the way I do. My strength mentally has grown beyond my expectations  and I know after competition I will carry myself with more pride and self esteem than ever before. One part in my life though which gets a bit less attention than usual is probably my husband and child, thats one down fault when getting prepared for this. I am constantly at the gym working out,  training for posing, gymnastics and stretching, but the mental focus takes by far most of my time and energy. I am trying hard not to bring up the subject diet, training or competition in my house too often unless I got asked or I have a change in my diet or training routine. It's not the easiest to keep everything under one roof and balance the focus between all the things which are important in life! 
Thank's to the friends out there which support me everyday and have the faith in me to do well....I def. have to thank my very close friend Brandy, who supports me, motivates me, picks me up when I am down and goes with me through every single step on this road hand in hand....I can't ask for a better friend in my life! I am so glad that I have her coming with me to my shows and being there for me (even if I might scratch her eyes out from being hungry by the time showtime is!


  1. You look amazing! You go girl!

    Every time I read your blog..... you inspire me!

  2. Ok Diana you made me cry!!! That street goes both ways I may not be training for a fitness competition but I have my goes too and you keep me going. You are a great friend and I love you chickie!!!

