Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cardio, carb-cycling and mood swings

I thought, I would give a little idea about the way and amount of cardio I do 5 times a week, since some of you already asked me about that. Here we go-
Mondays- 55 min. Spin class and afterwards 35 min running steady on the treadmill to flush legs out
Tuesday- 40min intervals on treadmill ( 3min on a 3.0incline for a speed of 6.5mph....1min same incline speed gets bumped up to 8.5mph-sprinting....back to 3 min on 6.5mph to recover...and continue the same intervals until 40min is up!)
Wed. 45min intervals ( same as above)
Thursdays- 40min stepper with interval periods of 1 minute to make sure the heart rate gets up to my 85% max
Friday- 20min stepper intervals and 25min running on steady pace (6.0speed and 2.0incline)
I make sure I stretch for at least 15-20min right after to keep my flexibilty up!
This is my cardio schedule, on top of that I weight train mondays, tuesdays, thursdays and fridays. I am trying to take saturdays completly off to rest and sundays I uaually add one more session of cardio ( light intensitiy), loooooots of stretching ( at least 45min) and practicing my choreography and my holds!
This week is my first week of carb cycling. Carb cycling means everyday I have a different amount of complex carbohydrates allowed to eat. some days I can have 5 meals incl. carbs and others 1 meal, needless to say which my favourite days are from now on!!!! I love carbs....actually I think I am a carb junky (as most of women). I love my bread, crackers and cereals and miss those foods the most! The other night for the first time since being on this diet I thought I have to cry and literally had to ask my husband to leave the living room or I would physically hurt him. He had the NERVE to eat RIGHT BESIDE ME a fresh, soft, doughy slice of bread with THICK peanut butter on top..... if that wasn't enough...no he also while chewing beside me, giving me a kiss.....that THREW me over the boarder.....I lost it....yeah....mood swings are def. showing these days....!!!!!!!!!

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