Saturday, May 7, 2011

2 weeks out from today

Today I am exactly 2 weeks away from the first show in Kelowna, British Columbia. My thoughts and emotions? PANIC ATTACKS! I must have had the "biggest" blow up, meltdown lose my mind, kind a mood yesterday. For some reason I look like I am losing my ABS....they seem flat, soft and appear not as ripped and hard since a few days...GREAT...that's exactly what I need right now. I am this close and don't and CAN"T afford to lose my muscles. I was so livid and angry about everything yesterday that the first and only thought to make me feel better was to go and lift some weights. I also wrote a long text message to my trainer Jeni and bitched about me and my  problem. Thank god for her and for the words she gave me to calm me down. No worries Diana, you retain water and you are doing fantastic...., her words in gods ears!!!!
Also, did  we started to bedazzle my suit for the 2 piece fancy round ( the posing part). My suit looks fantastic! But me and crafty things???? eeeehhhh....not so much....I do not have patience in general for little  fiddling things....and now to put tiny, blinky stones on a piece of fabric? Ya...good luck with that! HUGE THANKS again to my friend Brandy...WOW...she did my whole top with such patience and even with having 3 kids running around the house, she did a perfect job! I love her......looooove her!!!!! I do not know what I would ever do without a friend like her. She is my biggest fan and supporter in every way. Just the other day, I was at her house for lunch....( she ALWAYS knows what kind of a carb day I am on, and cooks exactly what I am allowed to have) and she made me a MAhi burger ( no bread, of course) and some homemade sweet potato fries - she makes the best ones-!!! Anyways, by the time I got to her house I went straight  to her "treat" cupboard and looked for some plain rice crackers cause I was starving......she would walk over and shut the cupboards and told me : Diana, I DO NOT let you sabotage your are THIS close...NO...sit down and wait until lunch is ready! gggggggrrrrrrr, was my responds to that!
She's a great friend and I am more than thankful to have her in my life!
Other than that, well my choeography is coming along for the routine part. Just have to touch up some things! My body is ready to perform, my mind not so much yet. I am overly nervous and excited, a little bit scared actually.
May 19th, I will drive up to Calgary to the Airport and fly out at 12(noon)....I totally dislike flying but thinking I will focus on other things anyways. I am already trying to plan how I am going to prepare all my food cause my 4 days of pre contest dieting starts wednesday and continues until show is over. I have to go and get a big cooler and prepare, 22 chicken breasts, asparagus, green beans, sweet potatoes and can't forget my oatmeal. I do not have a kitchen in my room, just a microwave and a fridge, which will do. Next week I have to start exfoliating my body to get the old skin off so the tanning lotion applies better. Also, will I add another Vitamin ( B6) and start taking water tights ( those are the pills to suck the water out of your skin).
For the rest of this weekend, I will try to enjoy a diet pop here and there and try to relax and mentally prepare myself that things ARE GOING TO WORK OUT!

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