Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Western Canadians 2011- Kelowna

Thursday, May 19th, 2001- 4am wake up call, up and off to do my last cardio workout and routine practice. Quick breakfast, packing my cooler for the weekend with about 30 chicken breasts, a bag of beans, a package of oatmeal, water and my oils and vitamins. 7am, ready to pick up Brandy, with a hot fresh cup of coffee in a to go mug and off to the airport. 3 hours of driving a head of us and in my tummy about 2.5 litres of water already.....long drive lots ad lots of pee breaks. I started 3 days ago to water load, which is anywhere between 8-10 litre of water in a day.
7:10pm, finally arrived in Kelowna, after a long delay and being stranded in Vancouver at the airport for hours. Thank god I kept my cooler with food on me as a carry-on or I would have had some serious problems. In Kelowna, finally at the hotel room...time to get my first coat of Jan Tana tanning lotion and my friend Brandy def. have entered a new level into our friendship....the poor girl had to put that nasty lotion all over my body and when I say ALL OVER I mean ALL OVER....there is NO place left on me which she hasn't seen....!!!! We laughed so much during applying the tan that we forgot how it actually must have looked for others seeing us. 
Friday, May 20th, 2011- slept in, today was no cardio or any training, simply relaxing and a little bit of posing. Went to the mall and shopped a bit. Back in the hotel, 2nd coat of tan lotion and into some huge baggy pants, oversized t-shirt and off to the weigh ins. This process took forever since there were about 150 was so warm in that room that I thought I would melt and my lotion was sticky and all over my cloths. After weigh ins were finally accomplished, I had my Steak supper ahead of me. Went to a great restaurant with Jeni ( my trainer), Debbie ( friend and teammate) and of course Brandy. At 6 pm tonight was my last intake of water or any kind of liquid until the competition was all over. I won't ever forget the facial expression of the server when she asked me what I like to eat and I told her: a 7 oz steak, no spices on it, and loooots of asparagus, simply steamed-no salt, no butter no anything. Ok the server said...and what would you like to drink?....ME- nothing....she asked again....: water miss? No NOTHING, I answered......uuuurrrgggghhhh......I wish I could have ordered a simple glass of water....but depletion here I start! 
Saturday May 21st, 2011- Competition Day-
5:45am wake up call. Into my oversized pants and shirt again, eating my 3 oz chicken and 1/2cup oats for breakfast-NO COFFEE or water. urgh...I missed that coffee so much. Brandy started doing my hair and make up and the time just flew by. Next thing I knew we were at the theatre and I was backstage in the dressing room, crowded and lost between 45 other girls in bikinis and tons of make up. I couldn't believe I was finally here. The day came faster than I had expected. I pretty much followed Debbie around like a puppy his mommy. I had NO clue where to go or where to start. Bodybuilders were first on the list. And there were more than 30 bodybuilders. So we had quite some time to get into our 2 piece suit for the posing routine. Glued our bikini bottoms on to our bum and "boobs" and slipped the heels on. About 30 min before you get to walk on stage you go behind stage to pump up ( which means you are trying to fight for some room and light dumbbells and lift so the muscles are going to look nice and full).
My competitor number- #79. I came on stage 2, right behind the girl who placed 1st. She looked fantastic. Her butt tighter than tight and her deltoids perfectly shaped, same as the rest of her body. I did feel a bit dis-couraged I have to admit. Walking on that stage in a bikini with 5"heels on is hard enough BUT trying to pose and keep the hands and lips down from shaking - NOT POSSIBLE! Thank goodness I rubbed some vaseline cream on my teeth, the lack of liquid dried up my mouth so bad ( almost like drinking 1 1/2 of red wine) that my upper lip would have stuck on to my teeth. I had a hard time to smile cause constant shaking of my mouth seem to make it near impossible to have a somewhat normal smile.
After the posing round was done, we had about 1.5 hours to change into the routine costume and to stretch, warm up and relax. By now I must have had about 25 chocolate covered almonds to give me some energy and a bit more fat so I wouldn't look flat. Jeni constantly text me with the words: did you eat, girly? When was it the last time you ate? have more almonds...! Have another 12 almonds...mooooooore almonds....! ( not that I had something bad to say about
My moods were better than expected and my energy levels were 100%. I really thought I would be grumpy, tired and a bitch, but it was the actual opposite. I was energetic, happy and bubbly. When it came to performing the rouutine, it sure helped me to have the energy and the strength. I was very happy about my performance. I think it was clean and smooth. No fall overs or losing balance! NOW, this was judging round. The morning show is always the judging part. Everything is set in the morning. Around 1 pm and another 2 chocolate covered almonds later we were back at the hotel to rest a bit. Ate more chicken and almonds and 6pm, back to the theatre and back into the routine costume and performing everything again, same as this morning. The night show is where the most seats are sold and it's basically the entertainment "fun" part of the weekend! After performing it's time for results. I placed 4th in tall class.....we were 7 in total but divided by size. I was a little bit frustrated and sad about my placing, but told myself, that I came this far and dedicated my entire mind and body for this...I AM A WINNER no matter about the results. 
The first things when I got of the stage, I went and ate my peanut butter sandwich with a banana. mmmmmhhhh......that was a mood pick me upper!!!! Debbie ( placed 3rd) and I jumped into our cloths and all of us went for a nice for me! FANTASTIC! Also, couldn't we resist to have drinks already. Deb and I almost finished a bottle of red vino before we even got out of out 2 piece fancy suit ( bikini). After supper the only thing I really wanted and def. needed was a shower and wash all that brown tan stuff of my body. Yikes, that took me almost 15 minutes. And from there, off to bed! Absolutely exhausted, tired and a bit sick from all the food I inhaled.
Sunday, 22nd, 2011- Home sweet home. Back to the airport and off to Calgary. 
I really didn't take a day off. Monday morning I was already back at the gym for cardio and back workout. My next competition ( the more important one) is coming in 10 days. So, NO time for resting. In 2 weeks from now I will be in Germany and thats when relaxing is the BIG ingredient in my day!
I will keep you posted in the next few days for the upcoming excitement for the Edmonton Show!
Thank you all for the good luck wishes! I love you all!!!!!

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