Sunday, May 1, 2011

3 weeks out- No one said it would be easy!

These past 3 1/2 days were ABSOLUTE torture for me and my family. As I had mentioned in my blog before, my trainer put me on the diet for the last 4 days prior to competition, to see how my body will respond to it and if it wouldn't do great we have enough time to make changes until the week before my show. Anyways....I must have went through the hardest part in this journey. In 3 1/2 days I ate: 93 oz of chicken breast, a 6oz steak, a little bit of oat meal, 2 -3/4 cups of sweet potatoes, 26 liters of water, a huge bag of frozen green beans and 4lb of asparagus.....I AM CHICKEN''ed out! bbaaahhhh...bbrrrr.....throw up!!!!! Chicken ( 6oz most meals) for breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner. I ate 20 chicken breast in 3 1/2 days.....I still have a hard time to believe I did that. I usually dislike beef and pork and actually be close to a vegetarian if I am not on this diet, but I have to say....the steak last night was a TREAT! I ate it in under 2 time or patience to enjoy  was heaven! Guess I found my meat "love" again!!!! I wasn't allowed to drink any water past 6pm last night until about noon today. So eating chicken ( cooked and heated up for breakfast...dry as a sole of a running shoe) chucked down with no water...there were a few moments I thought I was actually choking....thank god I had some oatmeal and prepared it, some what liquid, that gave me a bit help to get that piece of chicken down my throat! I had 2 meals this morning....went to the gym ate about 8 chocolate covered almonds, pre pumped some weight and made new pics. Let me quickly tell you about me and 8 chocolate covered almonds.....the first one I put into my mouth was so fast down that I do not think my body actually noticed what went just into it.....but the second FACE LIT UP like a child on x-mas day! WOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!!!!!! My moods, from 0 to 100 in under 25 seconds! I never wanted to stop popping them into my mouth...but had to remind myself...8 Diana, just 8...well, I can't lie...I had about 12.....! lol! After that, I was able to eat my "normal" food again....normal not for anybody who is not competing but fairly good for me! Tonight my moods and energy levels are extremely fantastic. The past 3 days I couldn't stand myself. I was bitchier than bitchy, miserable, rude, unusual tired and didn't even wanted to walk from the couch to the kitchen. I felt asleep watching Twilight...which is one of my fave movies....( maybe more cause of the character)....but me sleeping through it before 8pm? Ya, that means, I either get sick or i have absolutely no energy left in me. And energy was a word for me I couldn't even spell yesterday. You would think eating this healthy, clean and much protein would give you enough energy for the day....heck NO! ALso the amount of water I had to drink...8-10 liters a day it's a lot of liquid and def. a lot of pee breaks during the day and the night. So, my trainer likes my results....BUT wants to add some I am hoping for some additional peanut butter back into my diet...maybe 1 tbsp a day??? Would be fantastic!
I am 3 weeks out from my first show and I can't wait to get my body on that stage! 3 more weeks and the first show is over, after that a 2 week period of strict dieting left, into my second show and my big reward "Germany-Home" is to follow!
Thanks for your guys's support everybody!!!!!

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