Sunday, February 27, 2011

"On" and "Off"- Season, the difference

I have been asked about the difference between on and off season these past few weeks, so I thought for you guys out there who are interested in the way you eat and train before a show and after a show...this chapter is for you!
On season usually starts about 20 weeks out of competition. My own "on season" started in January to get ready for my first show on the May long weekend ( 21st of May). My diet and training has changed, so did my attitude and commitment, cause when you know you are only 20 weeks out and show off your body in front of god knows how many people, you really don't want to put the spoon into the peanut butter jar, cause the moment you are on stage YOU KNOW WHY!
So first to my diet, I have to tell you, not everybody who competes has the same diet. What works for me does not work for you maybe. The diet I am on was designed for me and my body.
My trainer did have to make changes here and there until we found the way my body responded best to. So, here is my diet right now......
7 meals a day, they have to spread over the day and should be consumed every 2.5-3hours....
30 gr protein per meal (chicken, turkey, egg whites, fish and protein powder...lean meat is ok, but I don't like meat, I stick to poultry and fish)
30 gr complex carbs ( oatmeal, sweet potato, brown rice, brown rice pasta), for 5 meals, no carbs for me after my 4pm meal!
oodles of veggies
omega 3 fatty acids ( flex oil, omega 3 pills...good fat) 3 - servings a day ( in oil- 1 tsp each)
WATER...looots of water, at least 3.5-4 litres of it
no more fruit, any kind of dairy product ( cheese, milk, yoghurt), no wheat products ( bread or whole wheat pasta), no more peanut butter ( even the all natural kind), no more alcohol, no condiments like dressings, ketchup, bbq sause etc.
I use only balsamic vinegar ( for everything....salad, over my rice etc)
I still had cheat meals until about 12 weeks out. So really this was my first week with no cheat meal....and cause I have set my mind around it, it was not even a big deal....just when I smell fresh baked bread or have to make Ava a peanut butter sandwich my heart is aching!!!!! ( and tha I think about me in a bikini on stage again....craving-GONE)
Training wise not much has changed. I still train 2 days on (weights) one day off ( which means Cardio for 35-40 min) and have one complete day rest ( which i use for stretching and practicing my choreography and strength holds). My cardio has been bumped from 2-3 times a weeks now ( on top I still teach my 2 Spin classes, trx, step and ABS and core classes).
The lean down I believe gets even stricter. More cardio ( about 2 a day), weight training lighter weights and more reps i think, as for the diet I know I won't be able about 2 weeks prior to show to use any protein powder ( which will be hard....cause that means more chicken instead...right now a shake is a treat), no more sugar free gum ( cause of the sweetener in it) . I am not quite sure how my diet portion wise is going to change. I believe just before its carb cycling, but I will keep you updated on that as soon as Jeni changes my diet again.
After the show you are in "off"season, this is where the most fitness, bodybuilder or figure comp. are gaining lots of weight back. About 10-15 lb ( 5-7kg) is a good range to try keeping your physique, but since you have been eating this strict, I can see why lots of people gaining all their weight back thy had lost in on season within 3 weeks after the show. I really trying to keep mine up, cause I believe this won't be my last competition and I don't want to diet down 20 weeks before almost 30lb...this was hard enough as it is to get down 18lb...
As for eating, lots of people eat anything "normal" again, drink, fast food and you name it. I def. will follow a very clean diet after but also have 1-2 cheat meals a week. I probably will do 5 days clean eating and 2 days of A CHEAT cheat day...cause you can do a lot of damage in eating junk all day long!
Training wise, Yes...def. need to keep working out. Not as heavy but def. a MUST.....Cardio and weight training....if you wanna keep your physique and toned fit body, hey, you have to do something for it, that ain't happeneing from alone. Aslo, why would I quit working out? For me, the way your body looks as a result is just a bonus point, the most important one is how it makes me feel.....working out is one of the best way to release stress and to have some "me" time. I love everything what comes with it. From cute workout cloth to awesome running shoes....funny how women love cute shoes heels or flats...i do too, but mostly would I spend my money into a new pair of runner s and a great lululemon workout outfit...seriously, just for lululemon, every girl should love the idea of working out, that alone keeps me motivated. A new super cute shirt and a great fitting pants...yessss.....its like a new fancy outfit to wear before a night out!!! exciting!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

This is why i can DO what I am doing...cause of friends like this!!!!

This message is from a friend of mine, which she had just emailed me. I honestly have no words to describe how this made me feel when I did read her mail! I am so thankful for friends, family and strangers in the gym, who keep me so motivated and the encouragement they give me. Thank you so much for this email Nat, you made not only my day, you made it easier for me to get through these next 11 weeks! YOU ROCK!
Hey you,Stopped in to visit with Jay yesterday at GNC. He told me how some folks are being not so supportive of your hard earned appearance. Here is my two cents worth:

You are working so hard, every day in so many unseen ways. You are dedicated beyond what many...what most people could even begin to try and undertake, let alone understand. You have committed yourself body and soul to a project that takes more than intense physical training but mental focus and emotional focus...and all this on caloric intake that would make a full grown man cry.

Appearance? You look amazing. You look strong. You look fit. You look lean and muscular. You will succeed. You already are damnit! If anyone says you are looking less like a lady and more like a man, which is what Jay said someone said about you.... pardon me but, could this be their way of expressing jealousy? I would further suggest they put on a pair of glasses and really take a close look at you Diana. You are all very sexy WOMAN last time I looked. Further more, if they don't like what they fucking see, they can just not look at the damn pictures. Full stop.

You have one very supportive person here, if I may call myself your friend. I may not tell you to your face often enough cuz we are busy with other stuff, and are usually busy sweating, grunting or talking about Dean.... but I look up to you. I am so proud of you. You inspire me to continue on my own fitness journey...

Big hug. Kick the shit out of these next 10 or 11 weeks. Dean says to tell you he's got your back on this one too.

Nat ;0)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Positive vs negative response to my physique

So, since I published my "first"bikini pic's I had only 2 different kind of responses...good and bad, no in between. Usually men are the once, who are NOT so impressed about my physique. I had a few comments about, Hey Diana, what are you doing to your body? Or, well, I prefer the feminine look on a woman and the other one is "too much for my taste". In all respect, I appreciate the pros and cons of every comment, but I also would appreciate, if they at least give me the credit for the athlete aspect behind it. Why is that, when we watch sports like, swimming, skiing, gymnastics you name it and we are looking up to those people and say WOW what a great win, but when it comes to fitness figure or bodybuilding, we judge (especially women) about their "harsh" look...skiers have big legs? How about those super thin gymnastic girls, their shoulders and back is extremely muscular....but nobody cares in that field, everybody just simply claps their hands and thinks great back flip or fantastic slope jump! I honestly respect everybody's perspective about woman and muscles but come on, when I wear my jeans and a shirt you would have no idea what field i am training for and even if....i love what I am doing and I wish people can just simply give me credit for it.
I know this is not for everybody, so is soccer, volleyball or tennis.
Right now I am leaning down for the show, so I am still 11 weeks out and I will look a bit more muscular than right now, just cause thats what the diet and the training does to you. When you start to take the water pills and when you quit drinking liquids 24hrs prior to show you pretty much look like you have nothing than skin and muscles on you...thats the purpose in this competition.
To do a fitness comp. takes a lot more than just trying to stay lean for at least 20 weeks and working your butt off in the gym by lifting weights, it also takes a lot of time to increase flexibility and balance. I am training 3-4 times a weeks for my strength holds and stretching everyday for 20-35 min is the def. a must! Also, do I have to make sure my routine part ( the part where you dance and perform) is perfect....I WANT IT TO BE 100% perfect! It takes a lot of time to get the moves into a 90 second song and try to pretend you are not only a fitness girl but also an actress on stage to pull it off perfect! Also, should I mention the amount of injuries coming along with it. Not only does weight training cost some kind of pulled muscles once in a while, there are enough parts in the routine where you can hurt yourself quite bad! Anyways, bottom line, I respect every comment about me and my journey....good or bad, I actually think the "bad" once about me and gaining a bit too much muscles mass, is showing me that I finally look the way I want to look like...strong, fit and lean!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Being Skinny for any price is NOT the answer Ladies!

This morning I got up at 5am and thought about what the most majority of women want in life....( not talking about shoes or coach purses).
I was talking to a super nice girl on the weekend and she was asking me what I am doing to look so happy lean and what gives me the aura of carrying myself with such high self esteem.....I kind a had to think for a second to answer but to be quite honest, it is very simple....I LOVE THE body I live in right now....I do...totally do! This has by far not the first time that I had lost weight or went on some kind of a "diet"...from Bill Phillips Body for life, to the South Beach diet, Atkins, the zone, weight watchers..did them all and they ALL worked, for the amount of time you can follow it. I always had in mind to be thin and skinny, so when I started dating my husband and at that time he was an athlete in the hockey field, all the wives of the team players were skinny and their hair and make up was perfectly done, for some bizarre reason I thought I needed to compete with that. So, Mr Bill Phillips brought out his 12 week challenge Body for Life program and of I went bought it, read it and started 2 days later.....The biggest problem I have is that when I commit to something I fall into extremes...when he mentioned no sugar...I would read more than just simply labels...I was insane about not touching anything even something like tomato paste, cause tomatoes have sugar, needless to say that I lost about 14kg in under 3 month....also did I teach Spinning cardio classes in my local gym 5-6times a week, for a warm up before my spin class I would even stand on the stepper for almost 90 min or run on the treadmill for a good 1 hour....sick...I hated every min of it....sure I lifted some weights but with the limited amount of food in my body and working hours of cardio I burned every tiny muscle I had left into nothing.
It was only a matter of time until my body shot down and my mom drove me into the Emergency room...Ken was still on the ice playing his game, well he left and came to the hospital as soon as they had told him that I collapsed ..... I remember til this day how the doctor came in and asked me what had happened and I told him, I got dizzy and my heart races very this was one of the fist times I heard Kenny speaking german in a FULL sentence----looking at the doctor he said, well she has worked out for 90 min on the stepper, never takes a break  in the week, had hardly anything to eat, 5 espresso's and a half of a pack of menthol smokes....well, that had answered the doc's questions and one he had left for you have a eating disorder Mrs Junchen? no way? Why would that idiot even think that?....he was so rock hard on the truth...I SURE WAS!
So, since I had my daughter Ava and my heart issue in the past year, things have totally changed my idea of dieting.....
I eat an almost 2000-2400 cal diet everyday and my cardio is about 3-4x a week and weight training 4 times a week....and I HAVE  NEVER FELT SO GOOD in my entire life.
I am so happy I made this decision to compete in fitness....I am 32 years old and have never felt sooooo great, strong and confident about me before...the 30's are def. my best years and if they continue like this WOW!
so. bottom line...ladies...trying to starve yourself and trying to be skinny for someone or something IS not the answer...try to set achievable goals and not unrealistic crash diet, will continue to eat normal and jo jo diet puts all your weight plus extra back on...been there, done that!
Get a good trainer and a  nutritionist and work out the healthy way!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

NEW workout routine, shoes, pic's and shoulders + tri's day

I am always super thrilled when Jeni ( my trainer) sends me a new workout routine. She changed up certain moves and I can already see my "super favourite" workout of all - LEGS-  ( ggrrrrrr) , again, won't make it on my top ten list of favourite workout days....throwing up ALMOST guaranteed! bbaaaahhhh...JENI! BUT I have to say, I love the challenge of a new routine, the burn, the change and def. the results which come along with that! THANKS JENI!
Today was my shoulder and triceps day. My  shoulders are exhausted today, they got a good workout this morning.
My workout this morning-
Shoulder press on smith machine- 12=20lb, 10=30lb, 8=40lb and my last set of 6=60lb....ouch ouch ouch
Incline dumbbell front raises- 12=8lb, 10=10lb, 8=15lb, 6=15lb
Arnold overhead shoulder press- 12=15lb, 10=20lb, 8=25lb and last set 6=30lb
Shoulder standing single side raises- 12=10lb, 10=12lb, 8=15lb and last set 6=15lb ( these guys burn the hell out of my shoulders!!!!!! the feeling coming with it)
Triceps laying close grip bench press- 12=20lb, 10=30lb, 8=40lb, 6=50lb
Triceps overhead cable rope extensions ( LOVE THEM), 12=40lb, 10=50lb, 8=60lb, and last 6=70lb
single arm dumbbell overhead extension ( don't love them...mmmhhh) 12=12lb, 10=15lb, 8=15lb, 6=20lb
Dips on a bench 4 sets of 10 to failure
ABS- reverse lay down leg raise 4 sets of 15-20
So that was my regular delts and tri's day and I loved every minute of it.
This also was my 'last" training with the old routine, next week will look a bit different. 
Also super excited that my ( 5 inch stripper shoes from New York City) FINALLY have arrived...yeay! I LOVE THEM....walking around the house in those things pretty much ALL day to get used to the feeling of them. WOW....speaking about HIGH HEELS....I never knew how fantastic the view is from up there....I can reach everything in my kitchen NO MATTER how high up, with no problems or a chair...awesome!'
I actually cooked in those things my supper tonight...glad nobody has seen me....what a picture!
High heels, behind the stove stirring brown rice with veggies...OMG!
I am tired and weak today for some reason....well still,my meals were better than better and I am almost not hungry.
Someone asked me today how much protein do you consume in a day? Well, I told him every meal 30gr...7 x a day....= 210 gr protein....carbs are a bit less, cause after my 4pm meal I have NO MORE carbs in any form added in my meals. My carbs are very complex and come from oatmeal, brown rice pasta, sweet potatoes, brown rice and plain rice cakes. I eat enough veggies right now for the next 5 years I ever have i consumed this mane cucumbers, peppers or broccoli in my whole life than I did these past 4 month.
This saturday, my very very last cheat meal for the next 15 weeks, my friend Brandy is going to bake me AGAIN a nice fresh loaf of whole wheat bread...I LOVE my bread....I am going to miss it, theres no doubt about it!
Anyways, this week is almost over and I think my progress in the last 2 weeks are again more visualizing to people. My back, I think, develops so well....I will attach some more pics of it from me doing pull ups.
Tomorrow is chest and bi's day.....5am wake up call, breakfast and ready to lift!
Have a great friday all of you!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Back Day....

Monday morning...alarm is going off at 5:20am, same as the other days during the week. Excited, cause it's back workout....not sure WHY I love it to this extend....but it sure makes me feel good for the day.
Finally able to do more chin ups....went from 4 to 8 3 sets...I enjoy them now more and more.
One thing I noticed its that I seem to stuck to the same weight since a few weeks....hopefully the creatine will kick in soon....I find myself these days a bit to thin on my upper body..and other days to fat....not sure what that is.
Saturday I had a girls night out. Great...just absolute NO PANTS...each and every single one of them looked like a potato bag on me. So, had to go into one of my 5 year old jeans...I am too cheap to buy anything at this point since I know I will continue to lean down way more.
The night at the dinner, was good. Def. good for my ego. Lots of people actually FINALLY noticing my changes and are sooo excited for my "new" look and support me by cheering me up!
NOT ONE single person on my dinner table told me to drink ( like...comon Diana 1 drink won't hurt bla bla ba) or you can eat a bit more....NOT ONE OF THEM...I felt very good. Everybody was by far way more blown away to see the will power and dedication than nagging on me about NOT getting drunk. sunday...I was back in the gym to practice my posing....I will from now on do this every sunday with Debbie's help ( my friend, who competes in the same team as I do)...she is a good teacher and we like to hang out and talk about everything which comes along with competing in fitness.
I had to laugh when she told me how I have to make sure to keep Vaseline in my bag to rub it on my teeth, so the upper lip won't stuck to my front tooth.....OMG....hilarious! Never thought about that...EVER! I guess, the way she told me, the water pills you take a day before the show ( to suck out all the water under your skin) making you pretty dry up...and obviously you can't drink the night before the show cause you don't want to add the water again ( that just makes you muscles appear more) there is probably NOTHING than saw dust in your mouth....Guess I should have enough Vaseline from Ava ( my daughter ) left over....check marked on my to pack list!
I am now 13 weeks out and my last cheat meal will be next saturday, I expected my last one last weekend, but Jeni ( my trainer) wants me to continue until 12 week out to comp. Well, sure...I ain't saying No to that.
My biggest problem right now....WHAT WILL I EAT???? mmmhhhh.......maybe McDonalds fries? Pizza? Sushi? Pasta? cake? Bread...ALL OF IT, maybe? Not sure yet.
Any suggestions...please post it for me!!! LOL
Have a great night, I am off to my gymnastic class tonight...ready to get some head rushes from head stands etc!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February 2nd, 2011

So, here I am, Miss Technique trying to upload a video....ya..sorry guys, that might need a few more days...LOL
For my last few weeks of training and dieting before the show, I want to just upload mostly videos, so you can follow me in the gym and in my kitchen or simply shopping for fake eye lashes...hahaha
Today I was supposed to do cardio at 6am but I worked out lots this week, taught more than enough "sweat" classes...I will do a 40 min cardio before my Spinning class, stretch and finish my night at work until 10pm.
I can't believe the support you guys give me....WOW WOW WOW... to ALL of you out there, who make me feel so special and always have the nicest things to say.....YOU are a very reason why I can hang in there....this is probably by far the hardest journey I have been through...even moving from one country to another seemed easier than the commitment I give to my passion and my goal, which, by the way, I set to WIN these past days....
When I started the whole workout-diet contest prep, I always told myself, be realistic Diana, you're lucky if you get off the stage with no broken arm or leg, or also "just to go there" is, not no more, I am going to train to win...and I will!
My body is responding perfect......PERRRRFECT....FINALLY....I know I mentioned it before but the results right now are making me work harder every single day.
Friends of mine see the drastic changes in me and by telling me, I swear it makes it even easier not to eat the peanut butter ( which I still miss...a bit)!
My costume idea is pretty much set. My friend Deb is going to design it with just getting into the posing seminar.
Debbie and I are training for posing in these next few weeks. I have tried to pose a bit...and let me tell you that alone is a workout on its own. Posing is one of the most important components in the show. The way you show off your hard work makes a huge difference in placing. I think my strongest part is going to be my back.....for some reason it gave me the best definition.
Still having a hell of a time to do pull ups...I suck in those...guys in the gym make them look so flippin easy...I wish! Same with chin ups....still can't get my butt up high enough, well I keep hanging on it ;-)
My arms are sore today...I had my gymnastic classes monday night and my dead man push ups are FINALLY right on the floor....but the fear of falling on my face is still falling on your arms from a standing position looks easy, but there is this fear factor....hahaha...anyhow I did overcome it...Thanks to Debbie and this hip hop dancer guy, whos training for his competitions there as well. What a nice guy...absolute sweet. He is the one telling me ...-Hey you can do can! And sure enough I can!
But my arms from falling all my weight on to the arms and push myself up as well, feel like pudding all the holds we were training for on top of it. Tomorrow I have my tricep and shoulder day...see how that goes!
So that is it from my side.....
Again....thank you guys for cheering me up and keeping me soooo motivated YOU GUYS TOTALLY ROCK!!!!!!!
I will always be thankful for your support every single day!!!!!
Thank you