Friday, April 29, 2011

Welcome to the last week of eating before competition

Since I leaned out very fast and good, my trainer wants to do a food trial, in form of eating exactly like 4 days proir to show. Just when you think you got used to the idea of dieting and thought it can't actually get much worst....IT DOES get MUCH worst!
From thursday until sautrday night my diet is stricter than just strict. Absolutly NO spices, no sweeteners, nothing than chicken, veggies and some oatmeal and sweet potatoes...and def. water...oodles of water...( 8-10liters to be exact)
I had 6 meals yesterday which included 1/3 cup of oats in the morning and 1 cup of egg whites, for the rest of the 5 meals, I had 6 oz chicken breast ( each meal) and beans or asparagus ( those are the only veggies I am allowed to have cause they don't bloat). I drank 5 liters of water yesterday and up it to 8 today and tomorrow. On saturday night after 6pm I won't be drinking any more water until sunday afternoon, that process calles water loading. Sunday "would" be the day of the show....Now is the question on sunday morning, how does my body reacted and looks after eating this way. Thje muscles are supposed to look full and lean...not flat....can't wait until sunday morning to make some pic's with hopefully the results I am looking for.
Today I had sweet potatoes and chicken for breakfast and my 2nd meal and my next 4 meals are chicken with beans or asparagus. Tomorrow I actually get to pick 3 carbs which I could actually pick oats...hurray...what a highlight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( i love oatmeal...mmmhhhh...excited for tomorrow). Tomorrow night at my last meal I get to eat a 6oz steak, to see how my body will react to fat. I also take 3 tsp of flax oil a day. I used to just add it into my shakes or salad dressing ( cause the taste is nasty), but since I can't have anything close to a dressing or shakes I have to swollow it straight from the spoon...YIKES! Last night after eating ALL those 6 chicken breast...let me add those together .... exactly 32oz of chicken ( which would equal about 9 chicken breasts) I thought I had to throw up....honestly, I am starting to look like a chicken soon! I dislike chicken in gernal, thats what makes it even harder to eat, but since you have NO SPICES on it and can't dip it into ANYTHING...WOWSER....that's crazy stuff! My moods...oh well, not the best as you can imagine. Right now I seriously would DIE for a plain rice cake.....nothing on it...just a plain old fashion rice cake...or a gum...a simple sugar free gum....mhhhhh...that would be a treat!
My lifesaver right now? Coffee....coooooofffffeeeeeeee....lots of it.....thats my coffee! I don;t think I have ever brushed my teeth as much as I do now....the taste of even colgate toothpaste is a treat...if I could I would squeeze the whole tube in my mouth and eat it!!!!!! Sunday, after i am done this "trail-diet" I will eat normal and might get some peanut butter or raw almonds added into my diet. And in 2 weeks, the week before my show, we do the same thing again.....chicken, chicken and moooore chicken....and than the whole thing ONE MORE time the week before my second show.....aaawwww.....and after that...well deserved FOOD PARADISE in Germany. Bread and beer....yay.....trying not to put more than 10lb on...hahaha...ya right, good luck with that Di!
Bottom line, this is a very hard time, but again, worth every minute of gagging up the chicken breast....I feel so confident and I finally love every inch my body!!!!!! For you guys out there, eating all the "good" stuff like gummie bears and peanut butter...have some for me....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a good weekend!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fun during workout--incorrect dumbbell fly

When Brandy and I workout we have tons of fun. I am thankful to have her every morning with me at the gym making me laugh! Friday we did our chest and bi's workout....well, fun but close to you can see on the video. Bad move! Wow that could have cost an injury ( pulled arm or shoulder)....thank god I got away with a good laugh....
These past few weeks I don't laugh often enough. My friends and co-workers are aware of it and trying their best to cheer me up every single day! My days are getting shorter as closer competition day is coming.  I can't believe in 4 weeks I stand on a stage having a few hundred people watching me. My costume for my routine as well as my 2 piece fancy bikini for the posing round are done! They look fabulous....thanks to Debbies mom!!!!! BIG TIME! She made the suits exactly the way I had them in mind. My routine costume is bright white, baby doll style halter top and a nice short booty short. It looks so dramatic, exactly the way my routine theme "Phantom of the Opera' is! LOVE IT! Can't wait to wear it and show it off on stage!
Today I talked to my trainer about my diet, cause I know I am shredding quite fast these my BEST news....we might add some peanut butter back ( 1 tbsp a day)....perrrrfect! It depends on my weight tomorrow morning. I am not allowed ( if thats the right word) to lose more weight. So if my weight dropped, Peanut Butter it is!!!! yessssss!!!!!!!!! much to a bit of updates.  Have a great easter!!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

too lean too soon.....slowing it down

These past 10 days I must have changed more than ever before. Not sure WHY my body is into such high gear but I look at myself without really knowing who's that person in front of me. I actually got asked by another bodybuilder to train me cause he wants to help me winning this show and has 100% no doubt about it that my body is stage ready, too ready too soon, cause it's another 4 weeks until competition. Now it's the time when you want to slow the process down. My body fat is about 9%, lower than it supposed to be. My weight is 127lb. I just sent Jeni (my coach) my newest pic's and changes in my diet will happen again. Her exact reply to my pic's- HOLY FRICK...WE NEED TO SLOW THINGS DOWN.
I know why...cause of the 4 weeks I have left and the cardio I do to get that lean physique my body is pretty much programmed right now to eat my muscle. If we ( especially us women) have such little fat on us,  our bodies are soooo smart that it will store the fat for bad days and tell itself to eat the muscle cause "she" has enough of those....and will use the fat for starvation sources. Well....we don't want that to idea what the change in eating will be but I bet it's more veggies...LOL! I already had to bump my protein from 4 to 5oz at supper time to hold on with my weight. 5 month ago I thought nothing is going to happen on my changes no weight loss.....I almost jumped off the wagon....and now i have to slow the process down cause I am already too lean. As you see, even as a fitness girl...we are never happy with us and constantly have to lose or maintain body weight or physique.....
I am excited for the show...almost to a point of feeling sick.....On May 19 my flight is leaving to Kelowna and that gives me 2 days with my trainer to fix my posing to perfection! 4 short more weeks....WOW.....I am having a hard time to believe that I actually made it this far without giving up. I will update you about my changes in my diet to "slow" down the process of getting too thin. Happy easter everybody...have some chocolate bunnies for me!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

5 weeks out------nervous, excited mixed feelings

5 weeks out and I am getting very much nervous these days. My choreography needs to get cleaner and my butt has to get tightened up more...thats an area I am by far not happy with. I know these days I hear a lot of "harsh looking" from people or the opposite of too thin or lean or too it's the time to shut negative people out of my head..."ITS MY BODY and I can do whatever I want to it" ( Lance Armstrong said the perfect words here). Some of my pic's I am shocked myself about the way my body looks right now ( positive). I had no idea I could ever shape myself into a physique like this. I know that this is not a way to maintain and holding it but I will try and stay as lean as possible. As soon as I eat a bit more normal the curves will be back.....until January 2012 ( when on season starts again). My energy levels are moods are miserable BUT I love every minute of the dedication and determination I put into it. I LOVE THE SPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a good weekend and stay motivated!!!!!!! Stick to your goals...however far they are away...YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS and you will reach them sooner than you think!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

short video of my fave move and updates 5 weeks before show

I love this my back routine this must be my total fave'.......I love the intensity I get out of that move.
So, I thought I post a short video of it.
Also, Iam about 5 weeks out and every single day my body seems to change these days.....little, but def. changes. I totally notice that I am leaning good. My weight is going down more and so are my inches.
Eating wise...oh well, same thing, still carb cycling and I NOW KNOW, why there aren't more girls around competing in fitness or figure. The diet takes pretty much all my energy and my usual happy, funny and giggly me- away and my brain...( brain dead a bit)...only for a while until both shows are over! I know I mention my diet a lot, but if you don't follow to the nutrition you totally won't see the results which getting you ready for stage and make you win the show! Thats what I am going for...WINNING! I work every single bit of energy out of me and make sure my diet is U-Turns! Lots of people in these last days telling me that they can see that I am very short and a touch husband, that poor guy, has not much to laugh with me. He is very much looking forward for this whole comp. to be over and having his "old-little-Di" back! I do NOT blame him.
I will give you guys updates more frequently from now on!
Have a good day!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

1 week of eating on a carb cycle diet...6 more to go!

Thought this might give you guys an idea of what I eat. Very much the same every single day. That's the only way I can follow my diet...plain and simple! I just sent this food journal to my trainer Jeni, she check's it out every single friday and no delays...or I am in trouble!!! Today is one of my 1- a day carbohydrate day...and I can tell by night time I am getting a bit of a brain fog going.....tired and low on energy.
Anyways, thought you guys might to see a week in my carb cycle!
Have a great week!

April3rd- (2 carb day)
meal1-visalus with 1/3 cup oats (shake)
meal2- 3/4 cup ground turkey with 3/4 cup sweet potato and balsamic
meal3-protein pancakes
meal4-turkey burger ( no bun or bread) with salad
meal5-3/4 ground turkey with asparagus

April4th (3+1 carb day)
meal1-1/3 cup oats with protein powder
meal2- post shake with 1/2 cup egg whites and 1/3 cup oats
meal3-protein pancakes ( 1/3 cup oats)
meal4-3/4 cup brown rice with 3/4 cup ground turkey
meal5-turkey burger patty with salad
meal6-3/4 cup ground turkey with asparagus and peppers
meal7- shake

April 5th (4 + 1 carb day - Legs)
meal1-1/3 cup oats and protein powder
Meal2- post wkt shake with 1/3 cup oats and 1/2 cup egg whites
meal3-portein pancakes
meal4- 4 oz chicken breast with 3/4 cup sweet potato
meal5- protein pancakes 
meal6- 3/4 cup ground turkey with veggies
Meal7- shake

April 6th (cardio day 1 carb)
meal1-post shake with 1/3 cup oats
meal2- 6 egg whites hardboiled
meal3-Mahi fish burger patty ( just fish and salt in the ingredients) on a portabello mushroom with veggies
meal4-4 oz chicken breast with peppers
meal5- salad with ground turkey 3/4cup
meal6- shake
meal7- starving had 4 hardboiled egg whites

April 7th( 2 + 1 carb day)
meal1- 1/3 cup oats with protein powder
meal2-post shake with 1/3 cup oats and 1/2 cup egg whites
meal3-protein pancakes with 1/3 cup oats
meal4- turkey burger with salad and portabello mushroom
meal5-4 oz chicken with asparagus
meal6-3/4 cup ground turkey with veggies
meal7- shake

April 8th ( 3+1 carb)
meal1- 1/3 cup oats and protein powder
meal2 post shake with 1/3 cup oats and 1/2cup egg whites
meal3- protein pancakes
meal4-sweet potatoes 3/4 cup with 4 oz chicken breast and veggies
meal5-turkey burger with salad
meal6- 3/4 cup ground turkey with asparagus, celery and red peppers
meal7 shake

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Some pics and Carb Cycling is starting to catch up on my energy levels and moods

I know I have been talking about my mood swings a few times, but lately it seems to get me quite a bit. Depending on which carb cycle day I am at, the following day my moods are def. showing if I had 2 carbs or 5. My energy levels are low, I am tired and my body aches a bit. My temper is very short and I notice I am very grumpy, sensitive and emotional. ITS GREAT BEIN! The poor people who are surrounded by me every single day. Lots of people starting to ask me if I was ok, cause I am not my "usual" me. I hate to excuse myself everytime and blame it on the diet, cause the last thing I want is people thinking this is not a healthy's just the next 6 weeks which will be a bit harder.....After time is over and back to having cheat meals once a week....yesssss!
I am working lots on my routine these days and filled my body with more than enough bruises ...ouch ouch ouch. My legs, rear delts and lower back are looking horrible with green and black HUGE spots....oh well, guess the tanning will help get rid of it. I hope NONE of you out there takes my crankiness personally....I am sorry if I do make you feel this way once in a while. I know the majority of you guys is more than understanding and supportive and I am so thankful to have your back on this!!!! especially need an award for sticking up to my mood swings and grouchy way of talking sometimes...I will take your advise on reading "Twilight" for relaxation ( cause how did you say it...Edward will be supporting me cause he is on a special diet as well...hahaha)! ALso...Debbie...what the hell would I only do without you....???? OMG I would be lost. YOU inspired me and taught me everything I never thought or had faith to be able to achieve! You always had that faith in me and kept me going even when I thought I was too fat, too skinny, not flexible gave me the strength to get this far! I won't disappoint you. I am already sad of not having you around me after the summer! So to all of you....even Aaron...thank you for giving up Peanut Butter for me.....that's probably the sweetest thing someone could do and show me how much they are behind me on this! And Brandy...once do not have to carb cycle to be a friend and go through this just to show me you are there for me! YOU do so much!!!!!!!
Thank you all.....each of you! 6 more weeks to go.....ALMOST THERE!