Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 29th- cheat day

So, today was one of my last cheat meal saturdays until up this early morning around 6ish, made some coffee and already was trying to imagine what I would like to eat later for a treat....for some reason there is always the same thing every can you NOT love bread....the most bizarre thought was that I actually was thibking about a nice baguette right in Paris....OMG...they def. have the bestes of the bestes (LOL) Bread of all.....
While I was sipping on my coffee I decided to get some cardio in...not really "train-cardio" day but what the heck....I needed to get some sweat going. So off to the gym and on to my treadmill. 45 min of good clean sweat.....thought I might feel 'not' so guilty eating something bad today. Cause I try to do cardio on an empty stomach, I had no breakfast today....but having said that, I was already up for 2 hours and actually starving, but still try to ignore it. After I did my cardio I made myself a shake right in the gym ( I always have my blender there...nothing worste than a pre-prepared protein shake...bbbrraaahh), added my liquid egg whites and 2 rice cakes...BUT....still starving for more...uuugghhhh...that happens to me all the time when I have a cardio day and do it on an empty stomach....well, ignored again and off to train my personal program client for an soon as she left I lost control.....right into the hershey chocolate...damn it...2 pieces and the worst thing....THEY WERE FANTASTIC.....hard time stopping at 2......ran home after...and nothing prepared for meals...that again is the WORST thing what can happen if you are on such a strict I quickly freid some ground turkey and brown rice...but buy the time that was done I whooped down about 8 crackers with 2 tbsp of hummus and another piece of kinderschokolade.....see, happens to the best of skipp meals and all the good intentions are going over the balcony....just gone....
Anyways...decided to keep my cheat low today, since my body is preogressing that good, I hate to fuel it with the wrong food and the idea to be on stage with a saggy butt or a flabby tummy makes it actually prettty easy not to touch the treats...
Had some bread for supper....just a few pieces of baguette ( which I did go totally out of my way through tons of snow to get to the store ...just stupid)....
Now I feel a bit yucky....oh well,,,one more saturday and clean 110% 24-7........I am so looking forward to get to the May long to book my flight these next days . my friend and teammate Debbie just went back to BC where she's from and had called me today out of a material place and said they had the best material colours for my costume ( the phantom of the opera- Christine theme)....nice...I told her bring me a bunch of samples...that will be the next decision I have to do I want the costume to look like...I was thinking about a bit more of the 'romantic - babydoll' look...we'll see
So, now it's time to relax...since I have such problems sleeping at night, my trainer told me it's a side effect of  'contest dieting', I am taking melatonin every night  to relax me....if I would still be allowed to drink red wine I would sit on the bottle every single night...but until alc.
Have a great night and I will keep you posted!

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24th- Back workout routine

Great morning...started just perfect...good night rest of over 5 hrs ( which is a lot for me latley) and the weather was mild, so no minus 40 freezing shock when I left the house. Did my cardio yesterday and some holds and stretches. And with my luck, I do one of my straight leg seated straddle holds and my thumb totally went out of friend Brandy, who I was working out with, actually saw the whole thing in that half of a second...WOW....pain but we lughed so hard....thank god we always have frozen bags of peas at the gym...cooled it, popped 2 Advils and done working out for that day!
Anyways, this morning my thumb is quite swollen and hurts, but still finished my back routine with the same weights as always....bit my lips here and there but it was managable!
I love the early mornings at the gym, it's quite and always the same group of guys. Most of the days we have all the exact workout once in a while we have to do the whole rock, paper, sizzors thing to decide who's first on the bench press, cables or smith machine. Still nice to have the same familar faces every morning. Also, my day is more much more organized when I get the weights in before most people even get out of bed, my day seems more routined that way and my body is by far more energetic!
My breakfast was the same as always....1scoop proteinpowder and oats 1/3cup and post workout my shake with 3 rice cakes and 1/2 cup raw egg whites...I wish I could tell you more exciting meals in my day, but unfortunately my meals are plain and repeat almost every single's the easiest way to stay clean for me.
Sundays are my cooking days...yesterday I cooked up 8 chicken breast, 1 big package of ground turkey ground, 6 cups of brown rice, cut up all 9 peppers, tons of celery, boiled some sweet potatoes and 16 eggs, this is pretty much my food for a few days...usually last me until wed.-thursday. I find if I am prepared I can follow 100%...nothing worst than coming home and not knowing or having to prepare food when your time to eat is up...BAD...most of us know we will pop some crackers or things which are by far worst than that cause we are too hungry to wait until the rice and chicken is cooked.
I have to be prepared, that's the only way I can get everything under one roof.
My snack right away is 3/4cup borwn rice with 3/4 cup ground turkey and dressing no sauces...again very plain.
I hardly have salt in my diet...I actually just notced taht the other day on my cheat day, which is every saturday...I had a few chips and I couldn't stand the salty taste of it...bah...not I ate 3 slices of homeade bread. Brandy knows that I am addicted to bread ( typical german I guess), so she is such a sweet and thoughful person and knows my schedule better than me ususally, and she baked me a whole wheat loaf of bread....JUST FOR ME !!! It was still warm....mmhhhhh....a dream!
Lots of people here in the gym ask me, which food I miss the most....I have to say bread, bread and peanut butter....bizarre but true. People look at me as I am totally crazy....bread and peanut butter? Thats what they ask me....WHY? That's not that bad to eat...hahahah....I get that almost everyday...same when they hear that my fruit got cut out of my diet 3 weeks ago....why fruit Diana? I thought fruit is good for you? YES it is, I tell them, but NOT in the phase I am in right now. Most people have to understand that competing and eating healthy are 2 different pairs of shoes. I have a high calorie diet with clean protein, thats where most of my calories come from.
I did buy myself a fanatstic re-treat for after competition. I booked my flight back to germany in June....right after the Edmonton comp. YEAY! So thrilled about it! What a nice way to treat yourself after the hard work is done. I might look a bit fake tanned still, but what the'll be fine. Most of my friends know what I am going to do, so they won't think of me as an extreme faking bake tanner!
I am bit scared of the "after" show reaction on my body. Since leaning out is so drastic and extrem I hope the pounds aren't coming back on over night. I know I have to keep my diet clean...but hey, comon I am in Germany, I have to have a few beers and baked goodies once in a while...but I will make sure not to overdo it....
So, thats it for today. I am working right now and have to teach another cycling class tonight. No gymnastic ( by the way Debbie!!), I have to give my thumb a few days rest!
Have a great one everybody! Stay fit until than!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

By the way...I apologize for my 1000 typo's, I am always so busy, but I will promise I work on that!!!

January 20th and 21st, 2011

Thursday morning came too quick...after hardly any sleep, I decided to workout at 4pm. It was my shoulder and triceps day....THANK GOD no legs!!!! I don't think with 4 hrs sleep I could have managed legs without fainting or puking...
My shoulder workout was awesome. I still can't get tired of the intensity of a shoulder workout! Tri's were fun as well...did my fair share on extensions and pulldowns!
These last few days I feel like everything is coming together. My diet is cleaner than clean and my body is shaping right into the direction of where I want it to be. Glutes and hamstrings are finally showing me why there are so sore after a workout!
My diet is still very plain, but that's mostly cause I like it that way.
6-7 meals a day...weights days 7 meals, cardio days 6 and less carbs. On wednesday when I do my cardio at 6am and a Spinning class at 5pm I totally recognize the lower amount of carbs my body has to work with. I am a bit hungry...NOT STARVING just a tiny bit more noticable on the lower amount on calories. I enjoy to fell my body and love the way it tells me when and how to eat. If you feet your body what it needs it gives you exactly what you want back....our bodies are so smart...think about that way, you have this fantastic BMW m-class and use it all the time on an almost empty tank and feed them on top of the starvation the wrong cheap will only take so much time until the vehicle will let you know that something is wrong. So are our will tell you how it feels on wrong food, but, most of us don't pay enough attention OR we are in such a bad habbit already that we don't even know how we feel when we feel good.....we just assume we are ok...maybe a bit tire here and than or a bit over weight here and there....BUT if you give your body what it will pay you many great ways! You are what you eat, we al know that term only to well, but it nailed it to the point!
What much good value of nutrients would I get from gummie bears ( which by the way i am officially addicted to...BUT, havent ate them in a very looong time)...they do taste good but do I get full from it, does my body uses the gummie bear sufficiently? what a bout an apple? ya...might not be as much fun but the fibre and the natrual sugar can be used by the body and not ending up in excess fat on your mid section....I know you guys are all quite aware of this and I probably sound just like all the other books, trainers, dietitians and whoever else talks about diets....sorry...
BUT i wish that mayeb one day everybody or at least most of us can feel what the body gives back to us on healthy foods. It's bizarre how we all know that we feel better when we eat right and exercise at least 3 times a week, but still people fall back into the old habbits....I wish one of these days I could help most of them to change....I truly hope that!!!!
I am not saying my diet is for the BY FAR no.....competition diet and clean healthy eating are 2 different things....I don't want people to gobble down raw eggwhites or not eating fruit and wheat product, the way I chose my diet it to compete not just to change my eating habbits forever. When I am done in June and back into off season, I will follow a clean diet until I am back in on season program.
Yesterday I was thinking for the first time that I do NOT miss any cheat meals right now...I have one meal in the week to use for some bad foods and I usually go with plain and simple bread and maybe some more alcohol...though....hmmm I do miss my vino , i do!!!!
Buy hey, June 5th is coming so is the wine back into my life! YES!
Friday Jan 21st was my chest and bi's day....I like chest. Got up at 5:15am and for a nice chane when I left the house it was soooo a great day to start!!! My chest for some reason was very tired...not quite sure why. On the Peck deck machine I wouls usually lift around 100lb for 4 sets 10 reps each and superset  them with 10 i said today.
Had to drop set right in my first set today. 90 lb and that was actually still hard on me...but I stuck with it....and pay for it tomorrow....
Did some ABS of course and home for my shake....
only got 6 meals in yesterday.....not really sure why....just the time in the day was too short for some reason and at 9:30pm the thought of another 1/2 cup ground turkey made me gag a bit!
So, tomorrow I will take the day off. I need a nice break and my body def. deserves it! Rest is BEST!
Have a great weekend everybody!!!!
We talk on sunday!!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 18 and 19th 2011

Tuesday- January 18th- Leg very least favourite...used to be my most favourite...well, thank's to my trainer Jeni...NO MORE! BUT I do love the results I get from it. WOW My glutes and hamstrings are getting tighter and tighter! YESSS!!!!! My leg routine-
4 sets of deep dumbbell squats superset with walking lunges.....12-18 reps each set
4 sets of leg curls supersets with Leg extension ( ouch ouch ouch......HATE THOSE quads are screaming on fire)  12-18reps
4 sets of one leg leg press and side lunges with a dumbbell infront 12-18reps
4 sets of rope hamstring deadlifts with step ups supersets....12-18...bbaaahhhh, right here...I could VOMITT!
3 sets of Good morning squats 12-15reps
Calves...4 sets...seated raises and standing calf raises 20-25reps....BUUURRRRNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ball crunches 4 stes of 25
I ate very very clean again....for the past 2 weeks I am on the roll...WOW...I feel sooooooo awesome...My body recognizes all my hard work...finally...losing more pounds and toning ABS are getting so defined and I swear my six pack is just around the corner...or should I say Just behind the pizza....( hahaha which I haven't had in month!)
My weight went down to 138lb...which might sound high for some people, but the amount of muscles you pack on are not to underestimate...So, I feel leaner than I did with 125lb on me! Life is fantastic right now!
January 19th- Cardio day
So my alarm went off at 5:20am....tired but well, gotta get that empty stomach body of mine to sweat some serious calories here!
Went on the crosstrainer today for 30 minutes and finished the last 10 min on the treadmill....stretched after and done.
My biggest highlight today...I am running on the treadmill, with my pamts half way down to my knees...which would have not been to bad, if there would have not been 3 guys right behind me on the wearing some what call it underwear....( thong)...minus have nothing on, mooned those guys at 6:30am...OMG.....Not sure how I am going to do cardio again without having a red face looking like a lobster! bahahaha...take it with a sense of humor...thats what I tell myself anyhow!!!! hahaha
Taught a spin class tonight...had my salad, and now off for a personal program for a client...long night and 5 am comes early...
Tomorrow a bit more to my diet!
Have a great night everyone!

Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17th, 2011 - Back Day

Perfect day. Got out of bed super energetic and all excited that I finally slept almost 7! Went to bed early and really tried to calm myself down, not stressing about anything and trying to tell myself that things will work out just fine...they will!
I was excited to have my best friend back at the gym this morning. She's working for westJet and is always in different cities of Canada. Her and I work out together every morning at 6am but the last few weeks she had been gone. BUT today we were back to train as teammates....awesome! We did my back routine:
3 sets of about 10 pull-ups
Bent over back row on the cable
v-grip lat pulldown
one arm dbll row, knee on bench
One arm cable pull
and reverse peck deck machine
I am stiffer than a dog today.  I skipped my abs and core but will make sure I throw those in tonight at my gymnastic class.
Just came back from teaching my monday spin class....legs are tired...why I do a spin class the night before I have my leg day....I DO NOT KNOW.
They will feel like pudding at 6am and with this new leg workout routine I am sooo close to throw up during the exercises....gggrrrrr.
Now I am eating a spinach chicken salad with just flex oil. I am trying to get used to NO dressing or condiments for the next 17 weeks.....easier said than done! Jeni ( my trainer) told meat the 12 weeks out of show mark, I have no more cheat meals allowed on thats just 5 weeks away...meaning 5 more meals to eat and enjoy and than we are talking serious business......
CHecked out some material on saturday for my 2 piece fancy ( which is the bikini part) decision made yet...know the colour but haven't found the perfect one yet. My very good friend Debbie, which I compete with and against..., her mom is going to make my suit as well as my costume. I am a bit scared of the size, cause lean down is a bit away and my body will change dramatically I am sure, so I trust Debbie when she tells me which measurements on my suit to go with!
Debbie keeps me going everyday. She is so lean and ripped and works so hard for her success! I totally inspire her and her work! I am very glad to have her in my first show in Kelowna with me, even if we somewhat compete against each other....WE ARE STILL TEAM JENI!
So, now it's time to get into my car and off to get my holds, dead men push-ups, hinge push-ups, straddle holds, head-stands and splits in order and ready for the show!
Have a good night everybody!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 16th, 2011- Cardio and Stretch

Got out of bed and made myself a coffee, was wondering if I should get ready for cardio or actually switch to later in the day...BUT no....cardio HAS to be done on an empty, into my workout cloths, runners on, grabbed my gym keys and off I was.....
As I have mentioned in an earlier post, I am not super excited about cardio days, but gotta do what you have to do.
Since  have my own key for the gym I can actually workout before anyone gets there, nice but a bit creepy sometimes to be in this HUGE facility all alone.
Anyways, on I hopped on my tread mill, plugged my earphones in and turn on my favourite tunes! I had a very good workout today...something just made my workout go by easier, better and more energetic....actually I did almost 60 min instead of 35.
My cardio is supposed to be intervals so meaning I go every 1-2 minutes super hardcore anywhere between 3-120 seconds, depends on my day....than recover for 1-2 min and go me it takes a lot of "own motivation power" to o that hard...and in prob. 70% i could def. push myself harder. The only cardio workout I enjoy is Spinning classes, they make me go totally beyond my limits, but since I do spinning since almost 11 years, my body does not react much to it anymore when it comes to burning calories, so I need to shock it about 3 times a week on my off weight days. So, I do 3 times a week, usually wed., sat and sundays my cardio on the tread mill, cross-trainer or stepper plus 2x a week I teach Spin classes, 2 trx classes and 1 abs and core class and of course my own weight training classes and my monday night gymnastic days are busy and filled out in every corner of the day, but I like it that way.
Making the step to go the NEXT step was the BEST decision I have ever made.....I am so excited to get to the point of finally being on stage and performing.....I love music and moving to it with 100% strength  within me! I wish more people would do the same.
My eating plan was a bit off today. After I came back from the gym I drank my protein shake as always with raw egg whites and 2 rice cakes, mid morning I did my protein pancakes and lunch-supper was a turkey burger leftover from last night with broccoli and a handful of mini rice NOT enough, not enough at is already 7pm and I have to get at least 2 more meals I will go for some hardboiled eggwhites in the next 30 minutes and before bed probably another 1/2 cup of ground turkey....and off to bed....5am is coming very quickly and it's back day! I very much enjoy working my back....I never paid attention to do lots of back workout until I started to train for competing and for some reason, my back is probably by far my most defined and stongest body def. did not take a lot of workout to develop the lats and rear delts!
I don't really like pull ups, chin ups and anything where I have to pull my own body weight up with no help of someone spotting me or a assisted pull up bar. BUT the strength and the results what comes along with that are not to underestimate....I hope soon or later I will be able to do 10 pull ups with no help...right now I might do anywhere between 3-4 depending on my day, if I ate enough carbs before and the set i am on.
That's it for tonight....going to have my meals now!
I hope you guys have a great start into the week!

Friday, January 14, 2011

January 14, 2011- Chest and Bi's day

So, again, I had to switch my 6am workout to the late afternoon. I was up almost all night...tossing and turning, too many things on my mind right now. My body is a bit sore today from the workout and def. from my choreography....I got a HUGE bruise on my butt cheek from a certain floor move.
My breakfast was again, not a big surprise, protein pancakes and for my mid morning snack I had 4 egg whites and a bowl of oatmeal (warm ...that was good especially with the snow and freezing cold we have right now). Lunch was a turkey burger with 3/4 cup sweet potato and before workout I had another 1/2 cup oats with Protein 3:30 off to do my workout!
I love my new chest routine...burns my pecks out....sweet....wanna get those chest muscles to look perfect on that stage!
Routine today-
chest machine press, 12, 10, 8, 6 reps
chest incline dbll flys 12, 10, 8, 6
chest peck deck machine superset with push ups
decline bench push ups
biceps seated curls
biceps cable curls
bicep hammer curls with dbll
bicep concentration curls
thats was it...great took me about 55 minutes, the gym was quite tonight and I get a chance to use the machines with no waiting line...sweet!
Also, did my stretching, which I def. need to work on mostly...gotta get those legs opened up...splits are not in my favour lately .....used to be but that has been many years ago. Well, i am sure that will come back.
I def. felt pretty strong today, my biceps were able to lift 5lb more compare to last week, not sure if that's because I worked out in the afternoon instead of the early morning.....anyways, I was happy and excited about that!
After that, got my post shake in and home sweet home...on the couch....
It's 7:30 pm and I feel super energetic...which means, I probably will not sleep that well...I AM SOOO HYPER these last could teach 3 spin classes tonight i think.
BUT, it's tome to relax...would be nice to have that glass of red wine on the couch...but hey...June 5th, that's the day I can drink can do it....DEDICATION and COMMITMENT those are my favourite words right now....gotta stick to will be worth it at the end!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13th, shoulder and tri's day

Had to skip the gym this early morning....was up all night and wayyyy to exhausted to even think about doing a shoulder press.
My day started with a good breakfast which included 1/2cup oats and a scoop of my protein powder...mmhhh....loved it...( totally made my day somewhat better...thanks to my trainer for allowing me the extra shake), my mid morning snack were protein pancakes (1/2 cup egg whites mixed with 1/2 scoop protein visalus powder and 1/2 cup dry oats) and followed about 2.5 hrs later with my lunch which included 3/4 cup ground turkey, 3/4 cup brown rice pasta, one red bell pepper, 1 tsp flex oil and 1 tsp balsamic vinegar...def. one of my favourite meals EVER!
I also kind of had an exciting choeography for my fitness routine part is half done...thanks to Colleen...what a great mentor for me...she is a awesome dance teacher and put sooo much effort into it. She knows exactly how to get my routine together and makes it exciting and fun at the same time.
I love my routine pick....The Phantom of the Opera.....Love the music! I can totally identify myself with the role i act on stage!
Can't wait to show it off!!!
My training has to get done this afternoon at 4pm....
Shoulders and tris
I train 99% by the pyramid method, so 12, 10,8 and 6 reps to build muscles....every time I decrease my reps I increase my weight!
My workout looks like this-
Smith machine shoulder military press
1 arm dbll side raise
front dbll raise
laying close grip tri's press
cable pressdowns
cable rope overhead extensions
one arm overhead ext. with dumbbells
Lying leg raises
I love shoulder workout....I could do shoulders ALL week long.....I enjoy the definition in my delts and the feeling what comes with it.....STRRRRONG!!!! LOL
I always thought and also tell my clients, I think shoulders and back are by far the most sexiest part on a women!!!! Guess men would dis-agree, right????
So, thats so much about my day!
Going to bed early and get some rest so I will be back to normal at 5am!!!!!
Have a great days guys!!!
- everybody can workout when they feel like it but only the best can workout when they don't feel like it-! How true!!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12, 2001

So today I decided to finally start my blog for you to share with me!
I am almost 18 weeks out of competition and getting pretty nervous....
Wednesdays are my cardio session, so I got up (like every morning) shortly after 5am, pack my amino acids water, get my post workout shake ready into my snow coat and sneak out of the house at 5:40am into the minus 25 freezing cold. I have to admit, getting up at that time is not always easy, especially on my cardio day. I love weight training but cardio...mmhhh....not so much!
My training has changed since last week....way harder than ever. My leg days make me wanna throw questions....BUT it's a fantastic feeling when you're done with ! My diet has changed a bit as well. NO MORE Booze Jeni ( my trainer) told me a few days ago...gggrrrrr...even worst...NO MORE all natural Peanut Butter either....double grrrrrrr, Jeni....
BUT, it has been a awesome experience so far. Still choking on my dried up turkey burger once in w hile but it is worth it...every inch of the journey!
My first competition will be mid may in Kelowna BC, swcond one Jun 4 in is passing way to quick.
In September of last year I decided to get on the ball and do this...train hard, diet like a champ and try not to complain about the struggles...well, I still complain the odd day.
I never knew how much is involved in a fitness getting the right training, right diet, right trainer, right show outfits, music for the routine, stripper shoes, tanning lotions...and for sure the people you surround yourself with are most important!
How often do I hear, comon Diana it's saturday, you can eat this, what time in the morning are you getting out of bed to train? are you nuts?, eating raw egg whites??? You must be growing feathers soon from the amount of chicken...this can't be healthy...and YOU name it...I HEAR and HEARD it all....I learned, most people are a bit jealous about my dedication...why else would they be so negative. It doesn't bother me anymore....
Anyways, I am going to have some turkey burgers to choke on right now for lunch and try to get my routine and costume in order....
I hope you follow me and enjoy my journey as much as I do!
Talk tomorrow!