Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 20th and 21st, 2011

Thursday morning came too quick...after hardly any sleep, I decided to workout at 4pm. It was my shoulder and triceps day....THANK GOD no legs!!!! I don't think with 4 hrs sleep I could have managed legs without fainting or puking...
My shoulder workout was awesome. I still can't get tired of the intensity of a shoulder workout! Tri's were fun as well...did my fair share on extensions and pulldowns!
These last few days I feel like everything is coming together. My diet is cleaner than clean and my body is shaping right into the direction of where I want it to be. Glutes and hamstrings are finally showing me why there are so sore after a workout!
My diet is still very plain, but that's mostly cause I like it that way.
6-7 meals a day...weights days 7 meals, cardio days 6 and less carbs. On wednesday when I do my cardio at 6am and a Spinning class at 5pm I totally recognize the lower amount of carbs my body has to work with. I am a bit hungry...NOT STARVING just a tiny bit more noticable on the lower amount on calories. I enjoy to fell my body and love the way it tells me when and how to eat. If you feet your body what it needs it gives you exactly what you want back....our bodies are so smart...think about that way, you have this fantastic BMW m-class and use it all the time on an almost empty tank and feed them on top of the starvation the wrong cheap will only take so much time until the vehicle will let you know that something is wrong. So are our will tell you how it feels on wrong food, but, most of us don't pay enough attention OR we are in such a bad habbit already that we don't even know how we feel when we feel good.....we just assume we are ok...maybe a bit tire here and than or a bit over weight here and there....BUT if you give your body what it will pay you many great ways! You are what you eat, we al know that term only to well, but it nailed it to the point!
What much good value of nutrients would I get from gummie bears ( which by the way i am officially addicted to...BUT, havent ate them in a very looong time)...they do taste good but do I get full from it, does my body uses the gummie bear sufficiently? what a bout an apple? ya...might not be as much fun but the fibre and the natrual sugar can be used by the body and not ending up in excess fat on your mid section....I know you guys are all quite aware of this and I probably sound just like all the other books, trainers, dietitians and whoever else talks about diets....sorry...
BUT i wish that mayeb one day everybody or at least most of us can feel what the body gives back to us on healthy foods. It's bizarre how we all know that we feel better when we eat right and exercise at least 3 times a week, but still people fall back into the old habbits....I wish one of these days I could help most of them to change....I truly hope that!!!!
I am not saying my diet is for the BY FAR no.....competition diet and clean healthy eating are 2 different things....I don't want people to gobble down raw eggwhites or not eating fruit and wheat product, the way I chose my diet it to compete not just to change my eating habbits forever. When I am done in June and back into off season, I will follow a clean diet until I am back in on season program.
Yesterday I was thinking for the first time that I do NOT miss any cheat meals right now...I have one meal in the week to use for some bad foods and I usually go with plain and simple bread and maybe some more alcohol...though....hmmm I do miss my vino , i do!!!!
Buy hey, June 5th is coming so is the wine back into my life! YES!
Friday Jan 21st was my chest and bi's day....I like chest. Got up at 5:15am and for a nice chane when I left the house it was soooo a great day to start!!! My chest for some reason was very tired...not quite sure why. On the Peck deck machine I wouls usually lift around 100lb for 4 sets 10 reps each and superset  them with 10 i said today.
Had to drop set right in my first set today. 90 lb and that was actually still hard on me...but I stuck with it....and pay for it tomorrow....
Did some ABS of course and home for my shake....
only got 6 meals in yesterday.....not really sure why....just the time in the day was too short for some reason and at 9:30pm the thought of another 1/2 cup ground turkey made me gag a bit!
So, tomorrow I will take the day off. I need a nice break and my body def. deserves it! Rest is BEST!
Have a great weekend everybody!!!!
We talk on sunday!!!!

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