Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 16th, 2011- Cardio and Stretch

Got out of bed and made myself a coffee, was wondering if I should get ready for cardio or actually switch to later in the day...BUT no....cardio HAS to be done on an empty, into my workout cloths, runners on, grabbed my gym keys and off I was.....
As I have mentioned in an earlier post, I am not super excited about cardio days, but gotta do what you have to do.
Since  have my own key for the gym I can actually workout before anyone gets there, nice but a bit creepy sometimes to be in this HUGE facility all alone.
Anyways, on I hopped on my tread mill, plugged my earphones in and turn on my favourite tunes! I had a very good workout today...something just made my workout go by easier, better and more energetic....actually I did almost 60 min instead of 35.
My cardio is supposed to be intervals so meaning I go every 1-2 minutes super hardcore anywhere between 3-120 seconds, depends on my day....than recover for 1-2 min and go me it takes a lot of "own motivation power" to o that hard...and in prob. 70% i could def. push myself harder. The only cardio workout I enjoy is Spinning classes, they make me go totally beyond my limits, but since I do spinning since almost 11 years, my body does not react much to it anymore when it comes to burning calories, so I need to shock it about 3 times a week on my off weight days. So, I do 3 times a week, usually wed., sat and sundays my cardio on the tread mill, cross-trainer or stepper plus 2x a week I teach Spin classes, 2 trx classes and 1 abs and core class and of course my own weight training classes and my monday night gymnastic days are busy and filled out in every corner of the day, but I like it that way.
Making the step to go the NEXT step was the BEST decision I have ever made.....I am so excited to get to the point of finally being on stage and performing.....I love music and moving to it with 100% strength  within me! I wish more people would do the same.
My eating plan was a bit off today. After I came back from the gym I drank my protein shake as always with raw egg whites and 2 rice cakes, mid morning I did my protein pancakes and lunch-supper was a turkey burger leftover from last night with broccoli and a handful of mini rice NOT enough, not enough at is already 7pm and I have to get at least 2 more meals I will go for some hardboiled eggwhites in the next 30 minutes and before bed probably another 1/2 cup of ground turkey....and off to bed....5am is coming very quickly and it's back day! I very much enjoy working my back....I never paid attention to do lots of back workout until I started to train for competing and for some reason, my back is probably by far my most defined and stongest body def. did not take a lot of workout to develop the lats and rear delts!
I don't really like pull ups, chin ups and anything where I have to pull my own body weight up with no help of someone spotting me or a assisted pull up bar. BUT the strength and the results what comes along with that are not to underestimate....I hope soon or later I will be able to do 10 pull ups with no help...right now I might do anywhere between 3-4 depending on my day, if I ate enough carbs before and the set i am on.
That's it for tonight....going to have my meals now!
I hope you guys have a great start into the week!


  1. I'm excited to see your fitness competition prep this year. I'm not sure that I'd ever be able to eat raw eggs. You're dedicated!

    I'm following you via GFC.


  2. How sweet of you...thank you. I am glad to see people enjoying my Blog, comments like yours keep me motivated and going...thank you so much for that!
