Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13th, shoulder and tri's day

Had to skip the gym this early morning....was up all night and wayyyy to exhausted to even think about doing a shoulder press.
My day started with a good breakfast which included 1/2cup oats and a scoop of my protein powder...mmhhh....loved it...( totally made my day somewhat better...thanks to my trainer for allowing me the extra shake), my mid morning snack were protein pancakes (1/2 cup egg whites mixed with 1/2 scoop protein visalus powder and 1/2 cup dry oats) and followed about 2.5 hrs later with my lunch which included 3/4 cup ground turkey, 3/4 cup brown rice pasta, one red bell pepper, 1 tsp flex oil and 1 tsp balsamic vinegar...def. one of my favourite meals EVER!
I also kind of had an exciting choeography for my fitness routine part is half done...thanks to Colleen...what a great mentor for me...she is a awesome dance teacher and put sooo much effort into it. She knows exactly how to get my routine together and makes it exciting and fun at the same time.
I love my routine pick....The Phantom of the Opera.....Love the music! I can totally identify myself with the role i act on stage!
Can't wait to show it off!!!
My training has to get done this afternoon at 4pm....
Shoulders and tris
I train 99% by the pyramid method, so 12, 10,8 and 6 reps to build muscles....every time I decrease my reps I increase my weight!
My workout looks like this-
Smith machine shoulder military press
1 arm dbll side raise
front dbll raise
laying close grip tri's press
cable pressdowns
cable rope overhead extensions
one arm overhead ext. with dumbbells
Lying leg raises
I love shoulder workout....I could do shoulders ALL week long.....I enjoy the definition in my delts and the feeling what comes with it.....STRRRRONG!!!! LOL
I always thought and also tell my clients, I think shoulders and back are by far the most sexiest part on a women!!!! Guess men would dis-agree, right????
So, thats so much about my day!
Going to bed early and get some rest so I will be back to normal at 5am!!!!!
Have a great days guys!!!
- everybody can workout when they feel like it but only the best can workout when they don't feel like it-! How true!!!!

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