Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12, 2001

So today I decided to finally start my blog for you to share with me!
I am almost 18 weeks out of competition and getting pretty nervous....
Wednesdays are my cardio session, so I got up (like every morning) shortly after 5am, pack my amino acids water, get my post workout shake ready into my snow coat and sneak out of the house at 5:40am into the minus 25 freezing cold. I have to admit, getting up at that time is not always easy, especially on my cardio day. I love weight training but cardio...mmhhh....not so much!
My training has changed since last week....way harder than ever. My leg days make me wanna throw questions....BUT it's a fantastic feeling when you're done with ! My diet has changed a bit as well. NO MORE Booze Jeni ( my trainer) told me a few days ago...gggrrrrr...even worst...NO MORE all natural Peanut Butter either....double grrrrrrr, Jeni....
BUT, it has been a awesome experience so far. Still choking on my dried up turkey burger once in w hile but it is worth it...every inch of the journey!
My first competition will be mid may in Kelowna BC, swcond one Jun 4 in is passing way to quick.
In September of last year I decided to get on the ball and do this...train hard, diet like a champ and try not to complain about the struggles...well, I still complain the odd day.
I never knew how much is involved in a fitness getting the right training, right diet, right trainer, right show outfits, music for the routine, stripper shoes, tanning lotions...and for sure the people you surround yourself with are most important!
How often do I hear, comon Diana it's saturday, you can eat this, what time in the morning are you getting out of bed to train? are you nuts?, eating raw egg whites??? You must be growing feathers soon from the amount of chicken...this can't be healthy...and YOU name it...I HEAR and HEARD it all....I learned, most people are a bit jealous about my dedication...why else would they be so negative. It doesn't bother me anymore....
Anyways, I am going to have some turkey burgers to choke on right now for lunch and try to get my routine and costume in order....
I hope you follow me and enjoy my journey as much as I do!
Talk tomorrow!


  1. Glad to see you figured out the blog without my help. Even though I train with you most days its good to see and keeps me motivated to eat properly. Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to being home and working out with you soon. Miss Ya..Brandy

  2. Im Going to enjoy reading all about your dedication...your strength both physical and mental amazes me...KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK
