Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24th- Back workout routine

Great morning...started just perfect...good night rest of over 5 hrs ( which is a lot for me latley) and the weather was mild, so no minus 40 freezing shock when I left the house. Did my cardio yesterday and some holds and stretches. And with my luck, I do one of my straight leg seated straddle holds and my thumb totally went out of friend Brandy, who I was working out with, actually saw the whole thing in that half of a second...WOW....pain but we lughed so hard....thank god we always have frozen bags of peas at the gym...cooled it, popped 2 Advils and done working out for that day!
Anyways, this morning my thumb is quite swollen and hurts, but still finished my back routine with the same weights as always....bit my lips here and there but it was managable!
I love the early mornings at the gym, it's quite and always the same group of guys. Most of the days we have all the exact workout once in a while we have to do the whole rock, paper, sizzors thing to decide who's first on the bench press, cables or smith machine. Still nice to have the same familar faces every morning. Also, my day is more much more organized when I get the weights in before most people even get out of bed, my day seems more routined that way and my body is by far more energetic!
My breakfast was the same as always....1scoop proteinpowder and oats 1/3cup and post workout my shake with 3 rice cakes and 1/2 cup raw egg whites...I wish I could tell you more exciting meals in my day, but unfortunately my meals are plain and repeat almost every single's the easiest way to stay clean for me.
Sundays are my cooking days...yesterday I cooked up 8 chicken breast, 1 big package of ground turkey ground, 6 cups of brown rice, cut up all 9 peppers, tons of celery, boiled some sweet potatoes and 16 eggs, this is pretty much my food for a few days...usually last me until wed.-thursday. I find if I am prepared I can follow 100%...nothing worst than coming home and not knowing or having to prepare food when your time to eat is up...BAD...most of us know we will pop some crackers or things which are by far worst than that cause we are too hungry to wait until the rice and chicken is cooked.
I have to be prepared, that's the only way I can get everything under one roof.
My snack right away is 3/4cup borwn rice with 3/4 cup ground turkey and dressing no sauces...again very plain.
I hardly have salt in my diet...I actually just notced taht the other day on my cheat day, which is every saturday...I had a few chips and I couldn't stand the salty taste of it...bah...not I ate 3 slices of homeade bread. Brandy knows that I am addicted to bread ( typical german I guess), so she is such a sweet and thoughful person and knows my schedule better than me ususally, and she baked me a whole wheat loaf of bread....JUST FOR ME !!! It was still warm....mmhhhhh....a dream!
Lots of people here in the gym ask me, which food I miss the most....I have to say bread, bread and peanut butter....bizarre but true. People look at me as I am totally crazy....bread and peanut butter? Thats what they ask me....WHY? That's not that bad to eat...hahahah....I get that almost everyday...same when they hear that my fruit got cut out of my diet 3 weeks ago....why fruit Diana? I thought fruit is good for you? YES it is, I tell them, but NOT in the phase I am in right now. Most people have to understand that competing and eating healthy are 2 different pairs of shoes. I have a high calorie diet with clean protein, thats where most of my calories come from.
I did buy myself a fanatstic re-treat for after competition. I booked my flight back to germany in June....right after the Edmonton comp. YEAY! So thrilled about it! What a nice way to treat yourself after the hard work is done. I might look a bit fake tanned still, but what the'll be fine. Most of my friends know what I am going to do, so they won't think of me as an extreme faking bake tanner!
I am bit scared of the "after" show reaction on my body. Since leaning out is so drastic and extrem I hope the pounds aren't coming back on over night. I know I have to keep my diet clean...but hey, comon I am in Germany, I have to have a few beers and baked goodies once in a while...but I will make sure not to overdo it....
So, thats it for today. I am working right now and have to teach another cycling class tonight. No gymnastic ( by the way Debbie!!), I have to give my thumb a few days rest!
Have a great one everybody! Stay fit until than!

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